Can toyota modify MFD mileage calcs?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by HybridVigor, Nov 13, 2005.

  1. MBHoward01

    MBHoward01 MBHoward01

    Nov 23, 2005
    Bakersfield, CA
    2004 Prius
    I woke up one morning and my break lights were on so I took my 2004 Prius to the dealer to have it checked. I was told that there was a recall on the break pedal switch but the dealer’s computer said that they had already changed mine. The service tech then said that she would have them change it again. This was the first that I had been told of this being changed. So, in my case the dealer DID perform maintenance without my knowledge. Now that you mention it… That is illegal in my state, I think. Anyhow, I was told by the dealer about two recalls one is the break pedal switch the other is called “50P.†This recall is for the “ECU Re-Flash.†I don’t know what this second one is for. But, I noticed the same thing about my getting less mileage than when I first bought the car 51k miles ago.
  2. DHonzik

    DHonzik Junior Member

    Jun 25, 2005
    Oak Creek, Wisconsin

    I just had my car in for its 5,000 mile check-up and I noticed the same thing. Normally, my 2005 Prius registers about 49 MPG, but now its down in the low 40's. I have not refilled the tank yet, so I can not tell if the MPG are really down or not. I used Mobil 1 5W30 oil for my oil change. The temperature has been down in the 30's, so I think its probably the weather that is affecting my MPG. I am planning on installing an engine block heater to see if that will make a difference. :)
  3. HybridVigor

    HybridVigor New Member

    Jul 24, 2005
    Chandler, AZ
    As a follow-up to the original post, I'm now two tanks into the new "configuration" thanks to Toyota. The weather has cooled from the 90s to the 60s in Phoenix, and I've got a little more experience with the car. From what I can tell, my overall calculated mileage has either not been affected by this visit to Toyota, or I've compensated by becoming a more efficient driver. The MFD, on the other hand, continues to register lower than it used to. The good news is that on both tank refills since the "maintenance," the calculated mpg and the MFD mpg have been within 1 mile per gallon. This is a significant change from prior to the work, when it consistently read 2- 2.5 mpg high. End result? I think they did indeed perform an ECU flash, and did not inform me. Do I care? Somewhat, because I'd like to know if something like this happens, but in the end, my instantaneous mpg is probably more accurate, so I'm content with the car.

    I wonder how many other folks are going to start reporting the same thing over the course of the next month (last of the '05's going in for their 5,000 mile service).
  4. popoff

    popoff New Member

    Mar 20, 2005
    western NC mountains
    If it's not listed on the bill, I wonder if the dealer would get reimbursed for the work by Toyota?

    They're sure not going to do it out of the goodness of their heart.
  5. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    Sometimes it really feels like Toyota is trying to retain ownership
    of the car, even though the papers say you bought it. "Just drive
    it." Don't worry about any of that weird stuff under the hood, don't
    ask for those bothersome, distracting gauges, don't read your tire
    sidewalls because we'll set your pressures for you, and if any funny
    lights go on, don't try to understand it in the slightest but just
    call your dealer immediately and then sit there like a lump waiting.
    Bring it in every 5000 and don't worry about what we do to it. No,
    as the coddled customer you don't get any credit for having a brain.
    This is one area where Toyota's really fallen down. The attitude
    permeates way too many places in their infrastructure, and we've
    got the horror stories to prove it.