My EV button and housing has arrived from Japan. I won't likely have a weekend to work on this for a couple of weeks anyway, but I'm curious about this Toyota part number 82998-126900. Is this part the part that is the pin that goes into the ECU, meaning that if I order the Toyota part I don't have to muck about with the steering column? Or is the part number the connector to connect the wires to the EV button housing, so that I don't have to search out those connectors? I believe the price for the Toyota part is C$14.00 (or was it C$17.00?). I'm guessing the Radio Shack part is less and may be the smarter purchase.
I believe its the receptacle pin so you don't have to mess with the flasher. How'd you get the button from Japan? been looking to get a hold of them myself.
There was a guy who purchased a bunch of switches a while back for the small group that was actively wathing these forums. He can't do it again. Coastal Dave has a solution, but it's not the illuminated EV button from Japan. Boo. I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of this button on Ebay. I haven't asked my dealer about it yet either... - AlienDaycare
I think I am actually going to end up with two of the buttons. The second one is already spoken for if it arrives.) I have a friend who sometimes homestays Japanese students who come to Vancouver to take English language courses. He contacted a former student who arranged for me to get the first one. I also spoke with the man who owns and operates a sushi place that I frequent. He sent email to a friend it Japan who said he would bring one with him when he comes over in May.