Toyota is adding a Noisemaker (Vehicle Proximity Notification System) on all 2012 Prius. If you were in the market for a 2012 Prius, would this affect your decision on whether or not you would buy a car?
Useless function. Prius has noise from electric motor when it is runing in EV mode. People can hear that. By the way, the VPNS noise is not cool and is annoying. Even the pedestrian will hate that noise.
After reading the replies on the original news announcement on this I would like to stress it is a US Government mandated device (by law) NOT something Toyota did because they thought it was a good idea. I do think their chosen sound is kind of "cool". But if it were my choice it'd be a repeating "Bronx cheer".
You'll probably be able to shut the sound off via a ScanGauge II or something similar, just like the reverse beeping.
Is there a link that gives the law for the noise maker? What noise are the Volt and Leaf offering... and all the other ev's on the horizon...
They're going to try their best not to make it easily defeatable, just like the NAV lock-out in motion. However, someone somewhere will figure out a way to defeat it for sure. That'd be funny though. Hit a pedestrian, take out the scangauge and turn it back on so as not to get into deeper trouble in court.
I think it's a good idea, have had a few instances driving in electric-only when it would have come in handy. When you're coming up on pedestrian they often do not hear you: the electric motor is near silent and tire noise is negligible. Of course: I like the reverse beep too.
Nope. After hearing it, it's not that big of a concern (and at least it sounds kinda futuristic. They could've easily made an annoying noise). Unless you plan on creeping home after dark every night, it shouldn't matter (I'm curious to know how effective it is at a supermarket parking lot or other "real life" situations).
The addition of the noisemaker, without an off switch, has helped me decide to get a 2011 Prius instead of waiting for the 2012’s. The 2011 Prius may be the last quiet Toyota hybrid car. At this point we don’t know how this VPNS will be accepted by the public. It could be that it will not make much difference to people. On the other hand, it is possible that the noisemaker will not be accepted by Prius buyers. That it will cause decreased demand for the 2012 Prius , and lower resale value for the 2012 model. Demand for the older (quieter) Prius models without the noisemaker may be increased, and this would help the market for pre-2012 models. If the Prius must mave a noisemaker I would prefer it sound like a regular car engine rather than the Jetson's spaceship.
Have you actually driven the car with the noisemaker? According to my trusted sources and what I've heard personally it really is a non issue. It's very unobtrusive and sounds a lot like the inverter noise on the GenIIs which is actually kinda cool. I highly doubt it is going to annoy people so much that it affects resale value.
How about pedestrians and bikers pay attention to what the hell they are doing? turn the iPod off and look around.
Lol oh come on. When I'm out jogging, I pay extra close attention at intersections and driveways NEAR intersections where I am crossing. If need be, I pull my ear bud out and I have never been hit by a car and I jog in both rural and urban high traffic areas. Just saying.........
No I haven't driven one, I'm just going by the video. I've read others said the actual noise isn't as loud as it sounds on the video. At least to the person driving the Prius. However it would have to be loud enough to alert pedestrians as it was intended to do so I can't see how it could be totally unobtrusive. I'm sure it's not that loud to the driver but I wonder if it might be just as loud as it sounds on the video to someone who is walking down the sidewalk outside the car. Also the type of noise it makes isn't my preference. I've read several articles about this noisemaker and it seems most people who left comments agreed, they don't like the type of noise. They are not complaining about the volume so much as the "spaceship sound".
Re: 2012 Prius MOO Noisemaker - Over where the Noisemaker movie is... one person thought they should hack to noisemaker box and replace the current multi frequency noise with: "Pony trotting clip-clop clip-clop" sound event when driving less than 15 miles/hour Another person suggested a cow "moo" was a good replacement sound. I can just hear the 100 2012 Prius cars in North bound Rush Hour I-35 West traffic traveling for 5 mile onlooker delay at 10 mph. All sounding like a herd of Texas long horns !
Covered pretty extensively in another thread, but without the poll. As with the extra cost for stuff I wouldn't have ordered, I don't really want the noisemaker. But in order to get the car, you have to take what Toyota has decided you're going to get. I think visually impaired people are likely to be a lot more careful and aware of their surroundings, and therefor safer, than a whole lot of folks with excellent vision who are too absorbed with cell phones, iPods and the like, making them easier targets.
As mentioned in the previous thread, the noisemaker is not a big deal sound wise. Its audible but not terribly loud or annoying. Futuristic sounding I would say. I have heard it first hand, both outside and inside the car. It seems your set with getting a 2011 anyways... based on your previous statements. If you think this will "ruin" the prius, you are wrong. Go get a less expensive 2011 if you think this noise is too much to bare. I think the only thing Toyota did wrong, was to introduce it earlier than required, and to release the video which clearly amplifies the sound to extreme proportions. EDIT:: I also think someone, or something will enable the user to edit, muffle, or turn off the noise at some point down the road. =)
It depends on several things, for example: 1. Is it legal to turn it off? If so can it be done easily? 2. If I can't turn it off how obnoxious is it? If it is as loud as the one in the video and I'm not permitted to turn it off my answer would be, "no thank you." This might be my last hybrid car. But I think I may be in the minority, I suspect that most hybrid car buyers will not mind at all. After all it must be a great idea or our government wouldn't require it.