Hi all, just wondering what the prius keys actually looks like. isnt it like a smart card that you slide into a slot? and are the remote central locking buttons located on it or are they on a sepperate keyfob? could somone post a pic of the key? thanks
Take a look at <a href=\'http://priuschat.com/index.php?showuser=2156\' target=\'_blank\'>Sufferin' Prius Envy's</a> avatar. The fob (the key is a little metal one in the side of the plastic fob) inserts into a slot in the dash, or if you have the SKS option (available in Australia?) stays in your pocket. There are Lock, Unlock, and Panic buttons on the fob. Sufferin's avatar shows the back of an SKS fob. Do a search for fob.
yeah we have the keyless starting option as an 'i-pack' but its 8k more :\ and thanks, ill do a search
What happens when the battery in the FOB dies? I know the metal key will open the door, but how do you start the car without the FOB? Ken
When the battery dies you simply insert the FOB in the slot like on a non-SKS model. Of course most SKS owners probably don't even know the slot exists... :lol:
Does the keyless-entry Prius also come with a standard, non-battery operated key? I didn't think it did - I've only seen a black button on the door handles. I live in San Diego and when I go surfing, I tuck my car key into a pouch in my wetsuit. Obviously I can't do this with any electronic keys (unless it's really waterproof)!
Well, a fellow San Diegan! Yes, the ring on the fob is attached to the key itself. Next to it (along the top) is a little lever. Slide that and the key comes out.
No. For you, you can take the metal door key out of the fob and take that with you, while locking your fob in the car (Turn SKS off or remove the battery from the fob). You may also be able to get a little plastic can with a o-ring seal to hang around your neck or something. Mainframe, I seem to remember that you don't get all the same options in Oz that we do here. our '05 model has 6 packages, and you get the keyless entry on about 3 of them. Perhaps there is a lesser package there that still has SKS. You can tell an SKS fob from a non-SKS by looking at the color of the toyota logo. Black is non-SKS and Silver (Chrome) is SKS. When the battery on a fob dies (either type) it can get enough energy to start the car from the key slot, as stated earlier. As long as the key isn't withing 10 feet of the car at all times, you can expect 5-8 years of life from the battery. The battery is replacable - CR2032, which is a very common size.
Thanks for all the info guys. Is it hard to disable the SKS on the Prius? I don't want to have to take the battery out of the fob if I have to leave it in the car. I did try wearing a key around my neck once while surfing and I nearly lost it! So I'll never be trying that again. Also, good to know that I'll have no problem fitting my longboard in the Prius! (credit to John on the Edmunds forum) That wood inside the Prius is 10 FEET long!
The key that is part of the e-key is a tiny thing. You can go to Toyota and get a real key made and leave the "emergency" key for just that. cooljw, disabling the SKS is a piece of cake. Just reach down and switch it off.
i could only find one small image of them, and that avatar. could somone post some closeup pics of both sides of the key? sorry, but i have a wierd obsession with cool car keys
YOU DO NOT NEED TO TAKE THE BATTERY OUT OF THE FOB! Remove the metal key from the fob, leave the fob in the car, and lock the door using the metal key. (There's a regular key slot in the handle of the driver's-side door.) The car will be locked, and you then get back in with the metal key. The confusion arises because you cannot lock the door using the Smart Lock button while the fob is inside the car. But you CAN lock it with the metal key.
Yea, here are the instructions, in case you need to print them for future reference... :lol: [Broken External Image]:http://img455.imageshack.us/img455/2391/priuskeyslot4fy.jpg
isnt that alittle unsafe with the key part attaching to your keychain and the actual fob just being attached to a removable bit? i would have thought it would be the actual fob that has the little hole in it to attach to a keyring....hmm unless it clicks in really firmly
You can barely see it in this picture, but it actually has a spring-loaded slide lock on the end that keeps the emergency key from pulling out: [Broken External Image]:http://img455.imageshack.us/img455/2668/lgpriuskeylg4ck.jpg