Only one EV charging station in all of Canada? The list must be out of date. I know of more than that just locally, and of plans for many more.
I hope you're eating dinner with cornstarch utensils or your fingers. Stainless steel utensils caused a moonscape in Sudbury! : p
I've seen your car. It's not stainless. : p I think Deloreons caused the moonscape! I blame Marty McFly.
Vale - Sudbury, Ontario To those who might actually believe you, I would like to state the INCO/Vale mine has been in operation for over 100 years Vast majority of production output is in manufacture of stainless steel Mineral Photos - Nickel | Mineral Information Institute Around 6% is "other" such as NiCD and NiMH batteries, catalysts, etc
when it comes to specs, it is same here (Toyota Croatia has better equipped models than Toyota Germany for instance). but for someone to buy Auris Hybrid (local Toyota distributor doesnt "subsidize the prices like some western european ones), over Auris 1.4 D4D, which is perfectly fine and probably the best engine in Auris, also not subsidized, they have to pay $11k USD extra. Even top of the line Auris Diesel costs $7k less than base hybrid. So basically you have to buy it because you are greenie and not because it makes sense. Buying diesel makes sense when TCO is taken into account (including resale value). In some contries governments have some subsidies for hybrids and thats where they sell the best. In US, new Camry hybrid is priced excellent. Now imagine this - if Toyota had diesel engine that is as fast and gets 40 MPG, but is cheaper by 30%, who would buy hybrid? almost nobody - and thats what their pricing strategy is in Europe. Now new Rav4 is coming out next year and there will be hybrid certainly. Lets hope it will be priced right compared to diesel version. It can be a bit more expensive thats for sure but if it is 30% more expensive, that wont make any sense!
Toyota already did large hybrids. It will be more interesting to see the pricing and performance of the upcoming Yaris. It has a lot of competition in the European market.
Even small diesel particulate matter is a carcinogen (not that ICE gasoline is inert). Yes, diesel has more energy per unit volume than gasoline. But it is still a hydrocarbon and pollutant. Using diesel is going down the wrong path. At best more efficient gasoline and diesel engines are interim steps. We need to pursue walking & bicycle routes, light & high speed rail, not individual vehicles.
Diesel engines are more efficient than gasoline engines, due to the higher compression and temperature. This is aside from the higher energy content in a gallon of diesel compared to gasoline. More of the energy in the fuel is converted to work, and less dissipated as heat. But the "cost" for this is the increased particulate pollution, which is filthy, and stinks, and causes cancer, and makes cities that much more disgusting to live in. The answer is not diesel. The answer is clean energy, such as wind and solar, which can be converted to H2 but are much more efficiently utilized directly as electricity, and in the case of solar can be even more directly utilized as space heating and water heating; and such health-giving transportation as walking and cycling. The number 1 choices should be bikes and shoes, the number 2 should be public transportation, preferably electric, and the number 3 should be electric cars. Fossil-fuel-powered cars should be banned from cities, and heavily taxed elsewhere.
That's no longer the case, as far as that goes at least. CARB, who has historically loathed diesel engines, conducted a study of a European diesel car with a diesel particulate filter (DPF) recently, and found that after the first few minutes after a cold start, the particles measured from the diesel car exhaust by multiple particle counting systems were indistinguishable from HEPA-filtered dilution tunnel (background) air ("California's Informal Participation in the Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) Light-Duty Inter-laboratory Correlation Exercise (ILCE_LD)." Final Research Report, October 2008). Diesel vehicles with DPF typically have lower PM emissions than modern gasoline cars (CARB tells auto engineers: diesel can beat gasoline on PM emissions | Diesel Fuel News | Find Articles ).
Welcome to 1970's China? Walking and bicycles eh? Great in sunny California, not so great in places where it rains a lot! or places with lots of steep hills too.
Not particularly right. Hybrids not very popular here, and EVs went to sales here but very few (people+companies) bought them... Diesel is less 15% on price per litre, and that's what really counts for a driver We've had a battery plant planned to be built, but didn't happen. Marketing Portugal and its well-known renewable sourced energy grid has his misconceptions...