I just bought a 2011 Pruis gen2. I also bought new interior lights that will replace the ones that came with the car. I have heard of other car forums that I need to disconnect the battery before installing the lights. problem is, I have no idea how to disconnect the battery. Also, because the Prius is a hybrid car and much of its performance is based on electricity, I was wondering if I have to disconnect the battery for just simple light replacement. And if I do have to, then how should I do it? I'm not an expert on cars but I would much rather try to see if I can do it on my own rather than have to pay a mechanic. I'm sure this question comes out a lot so my apologies... but there were waaaaaay too many posts.
Your going to plug-in a few light bulbs? Then you have no need to disconnect the 12v battery. If you ever need to disconnect the battery it's under the right rear floor. You can unbolt the negative cable to disconnect it. There are two batteries in the Prius the traction battery and the 12 volt battery.
Before we ever get to your questions, the Prius has a very small 12 volt battery ill suited to running accessories for any length of time unless it is in READY mode. At at least $135 a pop for a new battery, this can get expensive fast. 2011 is Gen 3, not Gen 2, perhaps you have Package Two. (Someone at Toyota is hired to name their products as confusingly as possible) I do not think you need to to disconnect the battery to protect the car, I think you need to disconnect the battery to protect you. The 12 volt battery is under the rear hatch near the spare tire on the right side as you face front. You can disconnect the black post most safely, but either post will disconnect the electricity.
Just asking, this car is mostly computerize, to unplug the 12v batt and plug back, will it have problem with the memory? Do it required to use machine diagnose the system back to original?