After six months of waiting i get the joyfull call to come pick up the Prius. when i get down to the dealership i sit down and wait to write the check. Then the sales manger comes out and tells me that the display screen is broken. "it will not turn on...dont worry the rest of the car is fine." He had no definate timetable for a fix. Im wondering what i should do? My BIG question is, is this a bad sign...Or should i let them fix it and take the car or ask to take the next one that comes in and is really NEW. Thanks for your help Paul
Paul, i personally wouldn't worry about it. i see it as an isolated part that slipped through QC or maybe it just wasn't hooked up properly! i would get it fixed and take the car and if there turn out to be other problems i'd bring it up everytime. i don't think i could come so close and tell the dealer no thanks. -drew
Might check out another thread on this forum. Topic line talks about one persons experience in trying to get their display fixed after it broke down. This doesn't seem to be a systemic problem. but if the display does fail, getting it fixed may be somewhat time consuming. Jon
is it really no-operative or did the mechanic who was doing the PDI just turn it off and doesn't know that you can toggle it off and on?
Well, if you turn it off from the control, hitting "Climate" or "Audio" pops it right back on (for a minute, anyway), so they probably tried at least one of those...
I think that it's just turned off, if it comes live by pressing the audio button it has been toggled off. I'll check the manual but I remember doing this in the wife car and getting hot tounge and cold shoulder for a while, till we figured out how to turn it back on.
tell them to press the Display button on the side of the MFD and then select screen settings and make sure that the ON button is activated and also to make sure that the Auto headlight setting is off and the dash light switch isn't set to dim the display for night driving.
as for whether to keep the car...stick to your guns like i did... after 4 months of waiting, they gave me the chance to get a car that wasnt the color i wanted and had and extra $2000 of options i didnt want... by the time the dealer said "Do you want..." i had paid him and was half way out of the parking lot.
Thanks for all your help....The dealer did not know when the part was going to be in. And gave me the option of geting a truely new Prius so im getting it next thursday which is soon enough for me... thanks again Paul