Hello.. My name is Gio.. Need to replace my conversion van which get 15MPG with something more fuel efficient. So I found a 2010 with 62K miles on it. didn't really dig the gold color at first..but it's grown on to me. Clean car fax and was a fleet car. Drove really nice...so I bought it.. for $16.6K. What you members think? good deal, bad deal. I put 1000 miles over the weekend driving to Las Vegas Drove it like a normal car (80+)..but still got 38MPG over the whole trip. Think i better slow down and take advantage of the hybrid system. Any Prius virgin tip..is welcome. Later Gio
welcome! congrats, sounds like a good deal! try driving the speed limit and see where your mpg's go. if you really want to get great mileage like me (65 mpg) search some mileage threads for all the best info. good luck!
Welcome! Check your tire pressures and inflate to max PSI in the front and Max PSI -2 PSI in the back, this will help your MPG's and overall tire life. Try to limit your top speed on the freeways. If you typically drive 5 - 10 pmh faster than the max speed limit, try limiting your speed to the max speed limit (and move over a couple lanes to the right), that will help a lot. Don't tailgate the guys in front of you. A huge majority of bay area drivers tailgate the person in front of them, so no one jumps into the gap. Adjust your driving psychology and fall back a bit (2 seconds) from the car in front of you. This will allow you to "look ahead" several cars to see what traffic in front of you is doing. If you see brake lights, let off the accelerator and coast, or even do some regenerative braking to bleed off your speed and convert to eletricity (for your battery). You'll greatly extend your friction brake life as well as getting better gas mileage. biggest trick is to slow down.
ITA! I've slowed down but I still get to work at the same time as I used to when I was CSDM (Crazy Speed Driving Maniac). BTW, I work in P-ton.