THAT IS awesome!!!!!!!! I hope they have that at our Fry's!!! And Costco too!! Thanks for making my day!
Aren't all the purely electric vehicles being recalled? So it's really just the Insight, Prius, and Civic Hybrid left to park in that space. I'd say it's allowed.
Starla30, since this Fry's was closed when I stopped by, I did not get the chance to ask the store manager, but I am pretty sure that Hybrids are allowed. I will find out soon...
Awesome! I'm glad somebody in the metroplex has a Salsa (or any prius for that matter). I wonder if the Fry's in Arlington has the same policy.
Is that the Irving store? I asked about them, and YES, the Prius is allowed to park in those spots. :mrgreen:
I wonder if all Fry's stores are doing this. I guess they figure Prii owners are more tech savy than your average bear.
Wolfman, the pics are actually from the Plano store. Very new store also. Well, since the Irving store allows Prii that means the Plano store should be cool with it also. bigbaldcuban, if you happen to go buy the Fry's in Arlington, check to see if they have the same type of spaces. By the way, it was hilarious as I was pulling into this space, another guy looked at the sign and looked at my Prius and it struck him that there are electric cars available for purchase. He was driving a Jeep. Anyhow, the look on his face was priceless, especially when I pulled into the space, I was in Stealth mode!
Maybe they should change their sign to "Hybrid Vehicles Only" or something like that. The Prius isn't technically an EV.
Ok, just called Fry's and the manager is not available. However, the assistance manager said he has no problems with Hybrids parking there cause there are not many/any pure EV out there. addendum: I am still going to wait to hear from the manager though... Does anyone know what EV are out in there now besides GM EV1?
My co-worker thinks this is wrong because it's discrimination. He claims, what's to stop them from making a Ford Only parking spot? btw, he's not joking. He's completely serious. I think he's being ridiculous. And even if they did "Ford Only" that'd be just as funny and interesting.
Starla, you've got some interesting co-workers (thinking about the aerodynamic cars being more prone to stone strikes thread)!! Here's the deal: 1) It IS discrimination--that's the point, they're taking a pro-environmental stand to encourage people to drive EV/Hybrids. 2)They could do "Ford Only" spots, but that would be just stupid unless Fry's was owned by Ford Motor Corp. and they were trying to use it as incentive to sell more Fords. 3)It's not like they're discriminating against a class of people, anyone (black, white, native, female, male, gay, straight) can drive a hybrid--it's a personal choice. If you choose to drive one you can have the prime parking spot, if you choose not to you don't. 4)There is NOTHING to prevent someone not in an EV/Hybrid from parking there. There is no mechanism of enforcement (unless that community has a bizarre law allowing such enforcement) other than the management of that store requesting the person to move and if they don't then not allowing them to buy from their store. It's a pure incentive tool, a nicety and anyone p.o'd b/c they had to walk an extra 50 feet to the door has other issues anyway. --evan
We tried the first 3 arguments on him allready. Didn't work. He's an odd duck. He has no problem with the Prius passes for an HOV lane or the tax break but this phases him.
There are still nonhybrid electric vehicles in use. Only the GM EV1 and the Honda EV have been recalled. I have a neighbor that has two Toyota RAV4 electric SUV's. There are also many "Neighborhood EV's that are on the street. If you park in a spot reserved for Electric Vehicles you may be depriving someone who needs to use the charging facility from using the charger and driving home.
Speaking of special parking privileges, does anyone here live in San Jose, CA? I found a web page that looks like SJ is offering free parking in garages and at meters to anyone who bought their Prius in SJ: Has anyone signed up for this? Does anyone know where to sign up for this?
Correct me if I'm wrong, texassalsa04, but I didn't see that it was a charging station, but just preferential parking for EVs. Personally, I don't think hybrids should qualify for parking in EV spots (if they changed the sign, then I'm all for it). We have EV Charging Stations around (quite a few, actually) and they specifically have signage to that effect.