I am in the market for Prius II (Maryland) and would appreciate for some pointers on a decent OTD price (excluding taxes, title, etc). I started getting quotes only today and so far the best I have got is about $23,500 (this DOES NOT include tax, tag and about $200 processing fee). I don't think this is a very good quote and hence asking, Any pointers would be greatly appreciated (and I hope this is the right forum for this question) Best,
Does that price include any extras (mats, bumper decal etc..)? Right now in these market conditions I'd consider a pretty decent deal to be split between the MSRP and invoice price. Closer you can get to invoice, better of course. GL
Thanks. So far I have not been told anything about the extras and so I am not sure what this price includes. 1) What extras should I negotiate in addition to floor mats? 2) Is the market red hot for Prius that I am not getting any good deal? You said something about 'right now in these market conditions ...'. Pls elaborate on that, Best, Karthik
The extras are accessories dealers automatically include in the cars they sell. These are added to the price of each vehicle. The carpeted cargo mat and rear bumper protector seem to be the most popular add-ons. The Prius supply has been tight all summer due to the earthquake in Japan and increased demand. Most folks have been on waiting lists and paying MSRP, some more than that. In some areas of the country, dealers were selling used 2010 Prii for the original MSRP because they were the only cars you drive home today. It appears that the supply of cars is improving, starting on the coasts and moving inland, and folks are starting to buy cars without a waiting list and for less than MSRP.
I bought my 2011 prius II Thursday in NJ for 23,800 with cargo net, mats, bumper clear sticker proctection and wheel locks.
Fitzgerald in Maryland just lowered the prices of their 2011 Prius to invoice. Their internet price dropped by about $1300 since Friday for the Prius III that I am interested in. I think the Prius II dropped by about $700 since Friday. Fitzgerald and Car Max are dealers in Maryland that will give you a final OTD price on their internet sites. My brother told me that he read an article indicating there is now an oversupply of Prius at dealers. . New and used, from what he said. The dealers apparently overbought 2010's during Prius shortage this summer. Now that the Prius supply is reinstated and the gas prices are going down, look for possible further Prius price cuts on the 2011's in the near future. The 2012's are coming in and the dealers will need to clear their lots.
In SoCal, one dealer is advertising Prius 2 at $21995 (MSRP $24,500). That would be about 24,500 out the door. Those are a "two only" loss leader but the dealer would have rocks in their head to let buyers slip away because these two were sold while the dealer has 70 Prii on the lot. What IS in short supply are the Prius 5s. P5s with ATP are as rare as hen's teeth, and I'd expect (as Diane W has previously hinted) that they essentially stopped making the ATP-equipped P5s after post-quake MY2011 production resumed. Bob.
I'd suggest going through a standard "search set" although someone always seems to find that "super duper" deal. In general I use Edmunds for my information and I buy online as I feel it levels the playing field. Car Salesman, well that's is what they do for a living. I research, test drive and decide what it is I want. I then I figure a fair price with Edmunds, usually I submit the TMV from Edmunds that seems fair. I contact five or so dealers stating (at the end of a month) that I have the money, I want a specific model, color usually not important, I want a specific trim level, extra's are fine but I'm not paying extra, the TMV will work for me. I tell them that this is an "internet" buy that has been submitted to (whom-ever else has my offer) which will be Edmunds, True Market Value. No surprises or add-ons unless they are disclosed prior, as I will come in with a check for the full amount agreed and that is ALL I will pay. In the three cars I purchased like this I was in the dealer to close the deal and never was there more than thirty minutes. I purchased two new Honda's (one for my mother) and my Prius II. The only paid for add-on I have accepted (which I don't like) is the paperwork fee, although I knew about it up front, in the case of the Honda they tossed in a trunk caddy and mud flaps on both cars. The Prius II I was told I would get nothing for my $150 paperwork fee? When I picked up the car it had chrome lower rocker panels and complete carpeting, no charge (?) One can NOT cound taxes and fees as they are different in every area. For what it is worth I went to Edmunds on 10/4/11 and plugged in got Zip Code 21213 and below is what I see for a 2011 Prius II today a "True Market Value" $23,921 Edmunds gives the Invoice at $22,868 and the MSRP at $24,280 While it is getting to be the tail end of the 2011 year (which is good for the buyer) it IS the beginning of the month, which is not so good for the buyer. What I consider OTD Price is the cost of the Car and any extra charge by the dealer, shipping and paperwork as these are standard between all car buyers. Now, if you don't have to pay $100 for paperwork fee, good for you, so far seems "every" car has shipping and paperwork included and it seems a pretty standard cost. Now Taxes, Insurance, Tags this kind of stuff varies. In Missouri while we don't pay at the car dealer we have to pay "Sales Tax" at our DMV, however, the cost in Missouri is "much" different than Illinois or Texas so an attempt should be made to keep things even. I don't remember "exactly" what I paid for mine, I did close the deal the last 6 days in May of this year for $23,650 (about) I could look it up, as I recall I got close but not under $23,500, although I recall the salesman saying look, chrome rocker panels and the "good" carpeting......
Check TrueCar.com and AOL Autos. Both are good references. Just add tax and license fee to that price (possibly $50~$100 document fee will be added) will be your OTD price. If you are not sure about any hidden charges, negotiate with the OTD price from the beginning.
After lot of thought, I went with Prius III (With Nav) this past weekend. I got it for $24,750 + (tax, tags and $200 dealer processing fee). Not sure if this is a great deal, but this is the best I got. FWIW, the price I paid is less than Truecars ($25,815) for my area
That is a great price for a Prius iii w/nav. I was just quoted $24,741+TTL for a Prius iii w/NAV. The only thing keeping me from going with the deal is the amount they are willing to give me for my trade (09 F150 XLT). The bids I'm getting are no where near KBB, Blackbook, or edmunds TMV for my vehicle. Guess I'll just have to keep working on it.
New owner here! Signed today for a base 2 (w/ floor mats...) for $25270 OTD (they sold me the alarm for $399 :T buyers remorse).
I sold my 2001 Jetta (1.8T, 106K miles) before buying the Prius; Carmax quoted me $2k; dealer quoted me $500 (yes - $500!) and I sold it on Craigslist for $3,800. If you haven't already tried, just a suggestion to sell it to a private party directly (using Craigslist, Pennysaver etc.)
One observation? I have always thought it rather moronic to post an out the door price. There are 50 states with all sorts of different tax rates and doc fees and tax rules etc. It's confusing and not of much value to post an out the door. Someone who's not in your county and state won't have a clue how to figure out what you paid for the car itself.