Sort of sounds like the body is flexing when I initially back out of my driveway. Slight drop-off from the driveway to the road, and a kind of loud creak/cracking/popping noise seems to emanate from the right side of the car. No noise I can notice while driving and once the car does it, it takes a while before it will do it again, like after driving on level ground for a bit. Frame issues maybe??? Anyone else with a sunroof experience this?
Houston, you have a problem... sorry, I couldn't help it... Seriously, i haven't experience this, keep us updated...
we had a similar problem with our hycam. i know the sunroof is different, but we took it to the dealer and there was a repair kit they ordered and it solved the problem.
I had a similar noise that originated from the overhead assist handle area. Are you sure it's not coming from there? It almost sounded like styrofoam crunching a bit or rubbing on metal but it was intermittent. I do not have the sunroof. The solve was not easy.
My IV is making the same noise. Not sure of the cause yet but its also coming from the right rear of the car. I'll see if having the Sunroof open will help as I can recreate the issue easily.
Just a quick update. I was able to pinpoint the sound, it was the rear seat latch on the passenger side. Applied WD-40 to the latch and everything is quiet now. It's surprising that the latch would make such a loud creaking and "pop" sound at times. Hope this might help anyone that has this issue.
Sorry to be so slow in replying, but the issue was finally resolved. The frame of the sunroof had some screws come loose which allowed the frame to shift causing the cracking noise. Toyota had the car for three days but at least it is quiet now. They used some loc-tite when they re-tightened the screws so hopefully it won't happen again.