I was glancing at my Avatar and notice that I have attained the level of "Senior Prius Poster". This from a schlep who has no Prius and can't even the light at the end of the tunnel (#5 on wait list for about the last 3 allocations). I try to limit my posts to only poductive discussion and occasional humor (the toenail thing). Maybe toyota will send me a letter congratulating me while still telling me I got a snowball's chance of getting one. Surely someone has a crying emoticon somewhere.
I think one of the Admins said 100 posts gets you the title of "Senior". Looks like I've posted 54 times so far, but if I don't have anything productive to say, I don't.
Perhaps google could come up with something to determine the quality of the posts They are soon to be looking into our email to determine ad. possibilities
:lolup: And now, brought to you by the good people of Royal Crown Cola and Slim JIm, another senseless post by Manny, the big, bald, CUUUUBAAAAN! (Canned applause)
Hey, Bald Cuban Dude. I've also been waiting since 1-5-04. I'm supposed to be #2 for a Silver #6. Nothing at all the last 2 allocations. You start to get paranoid about leaving the house lest you "miss the call". I can just see coming home to see "the call" on my answering machine, then calling and finding that the car has gone to the next one in line. Then it will have to be trip to the dealer with the toe nail removing tool. Yikes! I can't stand it.
I've been shooting for May ever since I ordered, but considering I haven't heard diddly from my dealer and early May allocations are out. I'm not holding my breath. Looks like it's going to be a long, hot summer.
The dealer has every number I own - home, cell, kid's cell, wife's work, E-mail. I'm now trying to connect telepathically with "call me, call me, call me". Something has to work. My toenails hurt!! :guns:
i've stopped worrying about it for now, other than watching this board in case a salsa #9 comes up as 'available' within 10 hours of my house and far away from manny (bigbaldcuban) my dealer in west virginia says it will be july, and there's no sense in my worrying about it until then. on the other hand, my local dealer said it wouldn't be until next april or longer, so july is a lot closer! hey look, i made senior poster too! my mother always said i had diarrhea of the mouth. guess that just translates to 'diarrhea of the keyboard...
Hey, I think anyone who has the iron will to wait out the current sucking vacuum of demand for Prii is a wise and canny person. In a year or two, production should be up and prices much more reasonable, and they'll be buying in a much better environment Unfortunately, I'm not that smart or patient. :roll:
What do you mean by "more reasonable"? I presume you mean more expensive, because I think this car is the best value for the money out there. I can't see the price going down any.