Thanks to some wonderfully warm/hot weather, lack of short trips on the weekend, and some pretty good traffic patterns, I've managed my best tank yet. HSI = 70 mpg over 678 miles. Given my car's HSI error, I expected to come in at 66.5 mpg. 678.7 miles 10.225 gallons 66.4 mpg (calculated) A very nice way to close out my summer mileage.
That is awesome! I struggled to finish off a 57 mpg tank at 551 miles in my Genii. I hate the giant hill on my "commute grrr.
Yea, me too! State Highway Route 2 is a nasty hill to go up, just kills the mpg. The only redeeming factor is going down the hill 99.9 all the way down, at least I can make up most of the uphill loss!
That is a very nice tank -- congrats! In my G2 Prius any tank over 60 mpg (calculated) means almost all of the driving was by me and not my SO, weather was balmy, wind minor, and highway speeds over 65 mph avoided. On the other hand, I drove home 200 miles yesterday at speeds mostly between 70 - 80 mph, but some wind at my back saved my tank at 59.1 mpg overall
Thanks all! I was showing 70.1 mpg at work, and knew I had to drive home with a 400 foot elevation change (going uphill), so I was worried I would arrive at the gas station at 69.8 mpg (which is 70 mpg, but doesn't look as cool in the photos as does 70.0). I got lucky in that I had a bit of a tail wind which helped me keep above 70 mpg during my warm up period. After that, it was just keeping the top speeds down and coasting whenever I could. I'd love to follow it up with another 66 mpg tank, but with a bunch of driving this weekend, my wife driving the car (ugh), and storms supposedly arriving next week, I'll be lucky to salvage a 60 mpg tank this time around. (and I say that like it's a bad thing...sheesh.... this car can really alter one's "expectations")
Awesome! To hold onto your MPG lead as long as possible - start grill blocking now. I've started grill blocking last month because the temperatures have been dropping here in DC. I think its helping my MPG ...
Grill blocking is a dilemna for me. On the one hand, I'd love to do it and preserve my MPG's throughout the late Fall/winter/spring seasons. On the other hand, while I don't think I'd be overheating the engine by doing it, I'm concerned that the inverter life may not last as long by keeping the engine compartment warmer. If I was on a 3 - 5 year program with this car, I'd grill block in a heartbeat. But I tend to hold onto my cars for 10+ years and I'm a bit more conservative when it comes to unknowns (to me) like inverter life. For what its worth, I did grill block my 89 Integra in the winter to keep the engine warmer....