I see that the song title, artist and album name are displayed when pair a portable player to the car through Bluetooth in the manual. However, I don't see any of that information being displayed on the screen while my cellphone playback through Prius speaker. I have full control with the button on steering wheel to play, pause, skip to next song, go back to previous song and display play/stop status on screen. I've tried Nexus S, Nokia 6500 Slide and Motorola Droid. Prius screen displays play/stop status, but doesn't display any meta data with any of the phone. Has anyone had any luck on getting Prius Navigation package to display the meta data when playback through Bluetooth?
Depends on the phone. Those of us with iPhones are looking forward to iOS5 because Apple will finally update the bluetooth system to allow metadata to be transferred via bluetooth. As it stands, the Prius doesn't show the metadata via bluetooth audio streaming. Someone posted a picture of an iPhone with a beta iOS5 installed, playing music in the Prius and metadata is shown.
You mean like what BMW has done? I just wish Apple wasn't an nice person and release small features one by one (the last update we finally got steering wheel controls via bluetooth.)
nope, i basically want an iPad in my dash. just more geared towards car features. pioneer has a new head unit called app radio but it just seems half assed. apple is annoying in its ways. i purchased an apple tv a year ago hoping there would be an app store available soon... still no app store... WHY APPLE?!! they make great products but for some reason love to limit the features of these products. there is really no excuse for the iPhone being 4 years behind the latest bluetooth standard.
moved away from Apple since iPhone 3 due to lack of bluetooth profile. now Apple is adding proper bluetooth profile hmmm....
Thanks for finding it! I noticed that the data displayed is in the "proper" format that I would expect (and one that was similar to my smart). I hate the current system where Toyota uses Filename instead of Track title. It's really annoying. I really hope it's Track title that's displayed Well I recall one of the features was that it mimicked the iPod interface but I could be wrong (maybe it was a prototype or proof of concept??). I know BMW has apps (and that applies to MINI too) to interact with the car (FB, Twitter, send GPS to car etc). Yeah I know, eh? It's one thing to release features to maintain interest and market (e.g. VW with engines on their Beetle/Jetta etc. NA then TDI then Turbo) but to release features that are almost expected at the price they're charging is ludicrous.
I get song info when streaming bluetooth music from my BlackBerry. The only thing is that the info doesn't always change when I skip to a different song. Sometimes it does and sometimes the info just stays the same as the previous song. I wish I could choose the album. The other thing is that the random and repeat buttons don't seem to work properly. I can use the buttons once but if I want to change it back I have to do it on the phone.
Nice! And it doesn't follow the CD tag of "File, Folder, Artist". "Track, Album, Artist" makes more sense.
My Windows Phone 7 does it nicely. I also notice that skip back goes to the beginning of the song now instead of the previous song on the first click like before. :rockon: I used to have an iPhone 4 and love this phone much better. Samsung Focus. Big screen, crisp and bright and long battery time.