Hello, is it normal that over night parking battery looses charge from 7 bars down to 2 bars? I never lock the car and leaving my key in it. Thanks, c
I never know what is normal any more. But my strong suspicion is the fault lies in "leaving my keys in it." I suspect the keys are maintaing systems in a ready to go status. When I walk into the garage, I hear systems beginning to activate just because of the presence of the keys in close proximity. An easy fix. Don't leave the keys tonight and see what it looks like in the morning. BTW, on my G3, I see no reduction in charge overnight. I have left it up to two weeks with do obvious discharge (realistically, there is some, but it is not noticable). Good luck.
The HV battery is disconnected when the car is OFF. Leaving the key in the car will cause a drain of the 12V battery as Felt points out by keeping the SKS system active, among others. When you first start the car in the morning the HV battery will be charging the 12 V battery while the ICE is warming up. This could drop the HV battery SOC. Also changes in temp will show a change in SOC when the computers recalculate the SOC in the morning. Is the change is SOC as soon as you power up in the morning or shortly after? I rarely see much of a change in SOC in the mornings even after a few days of not driving.
When i turn the car on this morning, it was 2 bars right away. it's not always with 2 bar deal. some times it mid way, but key is always in it. c
Am what is the temperature range? Does it go from really hot to really cold over night? Are you 100% sure you correctly turn the car off correctly and if so is the car definitely at 5 bars before switch off and then only 2 bars immediately upon switching on again? If this is the case then you might have a HV battery issue. At least worth getting it checked by your dealers for peace of mind.
I am sure , i turn the car off. The temp. drops to to low 60 from hi 60 at night. The car doesn't do it often, just some times. car was full charge , nut the last bar. i never had it with all the bars full. turn in am and only 2 were lit up. but car works good no problem at all. it goes down to 2 bar only in i am in stop and go traffic some times. c
As pointed out above, the HV battery is disconnected when the Prius is powered off. There is no load which can drain the battery. Battery State of Charge (SoC) is calculated, as there is no way to physically measure levels as you do with a gas tank. Temperature and other factors influence SoC calculations, so it is possible to "lose" bars even when the charge remains the same. Most people complaining about losing bars overnight are actually complaining about bars quickly dropping in the morning. They are not the same. SoC normally drops quickly in the morning, when the Prius is started with a cold engine, where the Prius relies heavily on electric for the first few minutes. Dropping bars in stop and go traffic is normal. The Prius is minimizing the use of the engine. Tom
Thanks man. i feel better. car is fine period. i just noticed this thing and figured to ask all of you. Thanks, C
Is your last leg home mostly with the ICE off? I've found my car goes into EV mode the last 1/3 mile so the battery is usually pretty low when I go to start the car in the morning. It quickly charges upon breaking and coasting the next day.