I Picked up my brand new 2011 Prius, a week ago, and asked the Dealer to disable the Multiple beeps, when engaging reverse, to the single Beep. They told me that Toyota issed a Bulletin, telling the dealers that they are NOT allowed to modify the multiple beep, to s single beep. Since the Multi-Beep is annoying, and I'd much prefer the single, what are my options? Can it be done, without going to the dealer, are they full of it? Or do I have to live with it. Thanks.
This thread has a link to the scanguage master list, it can be done through it: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...difications/90414-scan-gauge-ii-question.html But you'll need to buy a scanguage if you don't have one. They are available in the Priuschat shop here.
I think they're full of it, BUT Toyota Canada may have different ideas about that. They will do this for you in the USA at "most" dealers. Canada may be different. Also, a Scangage can be setup to easily do it if you have access to one or know somebody that has one. I did it on mine.
First I've heard of it. It's listed in the owner's manual as a customizable option so why shouldn't you be able to (have you tried other dealers?).
I say BS. I'd call the dealer to discuss this with the General Manager or Sales Manager. Keep the discussion polite but make sure the dealer understands that their position is going to result in an extremely poor customer satisfaction survey. If the attitude doesn't change then slam them. If it means money in someone's pocket you'll find the person who cares enough to get someone to do it--and for free.
I'll tell you that when the hatch isn't fully closed, it beeps all the way home while the car is moving. I mean, if you are bringing home 12' 2x8s
Just took my 2011 in today for a 5000 mi service. Asked for the reverse beep changed to a single beep as well as disabling the passenger and driver seat belt warnings. No problems. I expected an argument and to possibly be charged. Instead the manager came to get me and had me sit in the car with him and his computer and he asked if I wanted a whole list of other customizable features changed. So, either my dealer is not aware of this "bulletin" or your service center are a bunch of thieves. I'd bet on the latter
Can anyone confirm if this works? 2011 Prius Turn Off Reverse Beep | Dlegs Hybrid Cars - News about green energy systems