Hi everybody, I am brand new to the prius world. I've never really liked how they look (actually i think they're quite ugly) but as i'm a fresh out of school with a new job, and need a new car, and i drive almost 100 miles a day, i am considering everything. I made up a spreadsheet of costs for a bunch of different options, used, new, gas mileage, and a used prius is by far the cheapest option over a 5 year period (took into account maintenace costs approx $200/year, gas, and financing approx $19000 car) That being said, i am a bit of a skeptic. Will i have to change anything in my lifestyle because i own a prius? or will i just have to know that it's slightly different (jumping, snow, etc) and that will be fine? I live in NE so i can expect snowy winters, should i consider the price of new tires in my estimates? Or maybe a used prius in NE will already have them on? As for models, i find the 2010 a bit more attractive then previous models, however to keep my price reasonable, i will have to have less "gadgets" inside. I would love to have an aux jack, that's my main necessity. However if i get an older model, having a lot of perks may be worth it (nav, back up cam, etc). One more, how difficult is it to improve the sound system? I have a sub and amp in my little corolla now, would it be a huge PIA to put that into the prius? I don't even know if i could ask the dealer to do that for me? What would you want with the choices i have? Thanks for any suggestions/advice! Sara
There are a few posts that discuss Prius performance in the snow. It is not an issue with me, so I have not followed them much, but tires apparently make a difference. What do you mean by "jumping?" A Prius works the same as any other car unless you want to hypermile. Just get in and drive. It will have more room than the Corolla. There are lots of after-market solutions for a better sound system, and they include the aux or ipod / usb integration features. You could have your system transplanted, but it might not fit, so that would be an added expense. Of course, you will "only" use about 4 gallons of gas per day in your commute, like me, so that is a big help keeping costs down. Anyway, I think either way you go (gen II or gen III) you will get a lot of car, and can make improvements over time. Good luck with that.
Greetings and welcome!! :welcome: I'd like to see that spread sheet. I know we're supposed to be rabid Prius cheerleaders on this site, but I'm thinking that it's not the cheapest five-seater (new or used) to operate for a five year period. However (comma!) it is without a doubt one of the most environmentally friendly ones. I must have weird tastes in cars. NOBODY that I talk to likes the (*cough!*) lines on the Prius, but I find that the G3 is fairly well executed. I actually don't mind the looks. It really doesn't matter though. That's all subjective. The first thing I would do is drive a G3 (Third Gen Prius) for a weekend. If you're over 25, you can rent one from Hertz. A ten minute test drive is OK if you're changing from a Corolla to another Corolla, but it isn't going to hack it for a Prius. $200 may sound like a ton of money for this test drive, but it's a lot better than being stuck with a car that you don't like to drive. If you drive a Corolla, you're not going to notice a lot of difference driving a G3 in RI during the winter months. They're both front wheel drive, 3200 pound five seaters. You'll notice your fuel economy dip during the winter. That's about it. The OEM radio SUX on the Prius. I would not get the dealer to put the sub and amp into the new(er) car. They sell cars. Other folks sell audio equipment. If music is your thing, take it to someplace that specializes in automotive audio, and have them do it. If you "can't afford to", then (a) music really isn't your thing, and (b) you have no business buying a new(er) car right now. Good Luck. Welcome aboard. Let us know what you decide on!
I am a new Prius owner as well and I have to say before ever even needing a second car, my dh and I used to look at priuses and sneer at how stupid looking they were. But considering what is has done for saving me gas and money on commute, I think it is the cutest thing ever now. haha. oh, the one BIGGEST thing I am noticing (other than the savings) is how I drive in my commute. I am no longer busting 80 in the fast lane and getting all bent out of shape when I get cut off. I drive in the 3rd or 4th lane within speedlimit, allowing anyone and everyone to drive in front of me (I figure if I am in the merger lane, they NEED to get through, duh), and staying in a great mood all the way home. AND! I dont get to my destination any later than when I was driving like a crazed banshee. I agree with the others on renting one for the weekend and testing it out first. The one thing I do not like about my prius is the comfort of my seat. My back is achy. I need lumbar support and will have to go get something soon.
I have not driven a Gen 3 Prius, but one place you can't see any part of your Gen 2 Prius is in the drivers seat. You will have no clue what color you bought. You will still see OTHER Prius, but not yours. While I like my Prius, here are some reasons the Prius may not be the car for you. http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-forum/94450-considering-prius.html#post1334003
I always hated the look of Prius, and I wasn't a fan of Toyota. Then I bought one on its merits, despite my unreasonable bias. My opinion is completely changed on both counts. Tom
Ifb you are like me, once you learn about how they jammed so many features like the best aerodynamics, room for 5, decent acceleration, maximum mpg, lowest emissions etc. your appreciation grows. The styling then becomes a virtue because it was executed so masterfully. That is why all of these new hybrids that want a piece of the Prius crown sport similar designs. As for the stereo, it is quite easy to add a sub and the bass in these cars is awesome. You gotta love hatchbacks for bass! Check out the electronics forms on this sight for details. Check out the modifications forum to see how good a Prius can't look with a few mods.
Your lifestyle will improve because of the extra coin you will have day to day that isn't going into the gas tank. Jumping a prius is not really ever going to happen, make sure it has an optima (deep cell battery) and be surprised how well it works. Snow... The prius has traction and stability control, just put snows with studs all around and go anywhere you want, better then 4 wheel drive (without studs or chains) it's the same as any front wheel drive vehicle, for example your corolla, but better because of the stability control. If you upgraded the audio in your corolla you can upgrade the audio in a prius. BTW beauty is only skin deep