My Prius needs new tires and I don't even know where to begin looking/evaluating. What should I be looking for when looking for a new set? What are some of the favorite models that people have on this forum? Thanks in advance! is a great site. You can input you car model/year, and it lists which tires apply, including which ones come as original equipment. And their prices are the lowest in my experience.
For the 195x65x15: Michelin Energy Saver Tires ( I have these tires 2-3 mpg increase over factory Yoko Avid tires) Nokian Entyre ( should give you a similar increase in MPG's with the benefit of perhaps 75,000 -85,000 miles life span, compared with the 60,000 - 70,000 anticipated life span of the Michelin Energy Savers)
Are the Michelin Energy Saver tires no longer being manufactured or are they just out of stock / backordered? Alfon
Last we heard from the manufacture is they are no projected to produce any in the near future. That is second hand information though. I should call them and get an update.
Òøúтþр çøÿõýúþ Òûðôøüøр, ýþчýыõ ÑÂþñõÑÂõôýøúø ÑÂтþ øýþóôð ýðÑÂтþÑÂщõõ ÑÂÿðÑÂõýøõ áðúø,ÑÂтþ óôõ? sdf 13 13
Re: Òøúтþр çøÿõýúþ No offense intended, but this came out as unintelligible gibberish on my computer.