Very true on the seat comfort. I actually HATE the I30 for long trips because there's just something about the seat. do not know what. Not just me complaining, I've read lots of other posts about it too. I guess one interesting thing to do would be the full cost math. In other words, how many miles would it take to recoup the cost of the Prius over the I30 in terms of fuel savings. I did some quick math on one 14 hour trip and the cost difference was like $58 to $145. Not too shabby. Although it would take a LOT of such trips to make up the purchase cost, that's for sure. Though I'm willing to bet with a falling dollar, we're back up to $5/gal gas costs within 3 years. So the math would just get better and better. Of course the I30 can probably go another 200k easy (100k now) with relatively little trouble. It's an insanely well made car. Not sure if the Prius can do 300k. Probably too early to know, though from what I've read, early indications are very positive.
Uh... sounds like you're comparing apples and oranges. I (incorrectly?) assumed that you were comparing new Priuses to new HSes. Think? We already know the '12 HyCam is 200 net system hp vs. 187 on the '11 and '12 HS. From the PDF at Toyota USA Newsroom | 2012 Lexus HS 250h Product Information confirms power output is unchanged on the '12. There is a fair bit of info on the '12 HyCam at
Regularly drive Maldon to Sydney approx 11.5 hours with 2 stops. Only my 68 type three VW was more comfortable in 45 year fo driving. I'm not claiming that other cars may not be better but I haven't driven them.
Only thing is, you'll have to stop regularly and charge the battery. [just kidding] Seats are so-so, it's not super quiet. But like flying coach, once you've arrived and saved a bunch of money, it's not so bad after all.
we had taken 9hr+ trips and were fine. It is quiet, ride is staple and Prius seats are good, better then Caravan's. There is more then enough room for luggage. Cruise control and CVT works very well in hilly environment, and you get 500mi+ out of tank Check it out; it should be good for most unless you are in 6'8" or 300lbs territory good luck.