I know in Los Angeles County, Prius owners do not have to pay for parking meters. My question is, do Orange County, California Prius owners have the same advantage? Thanks in advance......
Metered parking for hybrid cars is not free in Los Angeles County, it is free only within the municipal boundaries of the City of Los Angeles.
You are correct. I should've paid more attention to what I wrote. Any info as to if O.C. has this same law in their (my) locale?
The mere mention of parking meters makes me think of Cool Hand Luke. Gotta love that guy! It's not anything against parking meters. It's the pure disrespect for authority that I love.
In Albuquerque, a city issued sticker is available for 'over 45mpg' hybrids. If you don't have that sticker, plan on feeding that parking meter or get ticketed. I have it, use it, and love it. Question: If I visit Los Angeles, can I just park at a meter without paying or is there a requirement for something like Albuquerque's green window sticker? Also, if I visit California can I drive with my one person hybrid in your diamond lanes or is there a need for some kind of special state issued sticker or something along those lines?
No sticker is required for free metered parking in the City of Los Angeles. HOV Clean Car access stickers are mandatory in order to drive solo in the car pool lanes.
Sorry, no such luck in Orange COunty. Each city does their own thing, and to date none offer free parking. Visit out Orange County Prius event Sat, Dec. 3 at UCI (email me for directions). Website: www.ocprius.com
There is discussion about a similar free parking for hybrids in Salt Lake City, Utah, but it isn't final yet. It's moot now because all city meters are free between about Thanksgiving and New Year's Day in order to encourage people to shop downtown!