Hi all, My wife are thinking of getting a Prius, maybe even a Gen3. We'd be doing very long trips, like 13+hours reasonably regularly. Would this car be a good choice for trips like that? Thanks!
I would suggest a Camry Hybrid would be better, unless you taking a ton of luggage, then the hatchback Prius might be a better choice. I'm a Gen III Prius owner and it's not a quiet car, nor is it really comfortable, but I bought it for gas mileage and it's living up to that promise.
I personally would not have a problem taking my 2010 Prius on a 13 hour trip. I have taken several 5 hour trips and thought the car was plenty comfortable for me. I do agree that the Camry Hybrid would be more comfortable but the mpg would be lower. What is your higher priority?
To complicate the decision further, the 2012 HyCam is SUBSTANTIALLY improved over the 2011 w/more power, better fuel economy and a larger trunk along w/a lower starting MSRP.
What kind of trips? Lots of stops? Are you older and do you have issues with comfort in cars now? I find that my 2nd Gen Prius seat is pretty terrible for comfort on long trips, I've added a lumbar support and seat bottom cushion with thigh support. The seat comfort in the current 3rd gen is much better, and should be a bit better yet in the refresh. I think if you pencil out the fuel costs for your various trips you'll find that the Prius is the most economical option. I would be shocked if you found there wasn't enough cargo area. Also, if you need lots of cargo room, the Prius v is coming out in a couple of months and while not as fuel efficient as the standard Prius it has a bit more passenger room and offers a comfortable ride and would be worth considering. I think a lot depends up on your expectations and needs and certainly a camry hybrid is a nice comfortable car, but it doesn't offer as many techy features or the fuel economy.
I have driven my Prius to Glynco, GA via the Great Smokies and Charleston,(About 1500 miles round trip) I found it very pleasant. We drove the Tail of the Dragon and had a good time. Tail of the Dragon Road Maps Next month, Minneapolis via the Ozarks! (2000 miles round trip)
As an owner of a 2011 bought in June, I just recently drove mine from Washington D.C. to Central and West Florida. I got about 6 hours out of my tank and did somewhere around 43-46 mpg @ or above 70 mph mostly above.... shhh don't tell the police... the trip down my back began to hurt in my shoulders but I had not been on a long car trip in years so take it for what its worth. I did not hurt on my return trip 3 days later and really have no issue with the seats in the prius 3 the 4 is where I found the most comfort in seats, but I couldn't justify the cost to my wife... I could go on and in more detail as i logged time and date and mileage at every junction but I will save your eyes. ~First time poster~
Maybe it depends what you're used to, but I find my 2004 is quite comfortable on long trips. Newer and upscale seats are apparently much better. Maybe I'm still young and flexible enough for it not to be a problem, but regular stops (damn that caffeine) with a bit of light stretching definitely help. I don't notice the frequently-reported road noise, either, since the music usually drowns it out.
I went from a Honda Ody to a Prius and the biggest thing I find with the Prius is that it is uncomfortable and my back aches after driving home from work. I have had some back problems since 2006 when I delivered twins so maybe if I didnt have that preexisting issue, the seat would be a nonissue. I have considered changing out my seat for something more comfortable. I dont notice any noise from my car at all. But then again, I dont drive in silence either (2 five year olds, blasting music, radiotalk, etc) so ...
I've gone 8+ hours in a day in the Prius. The only thing that bothers me, is that I get tired of being in the car, in a seated position for that long. Is it the most comfortable vehicle I've been in during that distance? No. I find SUVs/CUVs to be more comfortable, but that's taking things to a totally different level. That gives you more of an upright, natural seated position. As far as a regular car goes, it's about on par with the others I've taken on long rides.
Great questions, eFusco. Well, to be fair, I drive an Infiniti I30 now and the ride is very, very sweet. I guess what would drive me nuts is feeling every little ripple in the road for 12 hours. All the other Toyotas I've driven have actually been pretty good in that regard. So if the Prius were kinda in the Camry zone as far as the ride quality, I'd be plenty happy. Sound like it might not be, though. We don't have kids, so I'm attracted by the hatchback nature of the car. Only 2 seats required. And I'm thinking on these super long trips, one of us could sleep very comfortably lying down in a sleeping bag in the back. I have no need for speed, but ride would definitely matter a lot, especially as apparently we don't have the money or desire to fix our roads in the US anymore. Hope that helps clarify what we're looking for! And thanks for your help.
I forgot to mention, we're also thinking about the Lexus 250h, which strangely doesn't cost much more than the Prius! I have no idea why THAT is.
I drove 14 hours in one day over the summer (OH to CT) and the only thing I didn't like was having to stop JUST to use the bathroom.
I'm not sure when generation of I30 you have but I used to have a 5th gen Maxima (02) and the equivalent which would've been the I35 for 02 and I30 for 00-01. But, the I30 has existed since model year 96. That said, my 02 Maxima GXE's ride was FAR smoother than the my Prius. The suspension was IMHO, a bit too soft and thus led to not very good handling (coupled w/the crappy tires it came with). I'd say my 2nd gen (06) Prius' ride is about on par w/Corolla. I haven't had enough seat time on the 3rd gen to give a comparison but I don't think it's Camry soft. I had a loaner HyCam before and gave my impressions at http://priuschat.com/forums/toyota-...impressions-after-driving-hycam-62-miles.html. Huh? The HS 250h is far more expensive than a Prius. Compare the base prices and also try equipping them w/similar options. FWIW, I did win a one week test drive of a HS 250h and liked the car a lot. The interior bits and quality are far better than any Prius. However, if you're looking for Camry-like ride, I'd go w/the '12 HyCam when it's available. The mileage of the HS 250h just looks crappy compared to the larger '12 HyCam which also has more power to boot.
As you're coming from an Infiniti, I suspect that you might find the Prius a bit too noisy for you liking. But that can be fixed with new, softer tires -- possible small MPG hit -- and adding aftermarket sound deadening all around; roof, floor, firewall, hatch ares, hatch and doors -- another even smaller MPG hit due added weight. Before the Gen III ,we had recurring threads about the merits of different sound deadening materials and how to DIY. Whth the Gen III, not so much. Maybe the sound deadening has improved to luxury car levels. do not know, I drive a Gen ii on at least two 10+ hr trips a year with no complaints about seats or noise levels.. I recommend that you rent a Prius and take a longish drive before you buy. Focus on seating and other creature comforts and features. If you like those, as noted above you can significantly quiet the car if its too noisy... at a price of course. With the Prius you need to schedule stops based on passenger comfort, not the gas guage; you can go 8+ hrs before neading to gas-up. More, shorter stops is the ticket.
While my new Prius isn't fun to drive, it's quite comfortable enough and I'd find it no problem at all on a very long trip, bracketed maybe by 20 minute rest stops every 3 hours or so.
Seat comfort is very subjective. Rent a Gen 3 Prius and take a 2-4 hour drive to see how well you both fit as a driver and passenger. I find my 2011 to be much more comfortable than the 07 Subaru Outback it replaced. However, on longer trips, I'd prefer to take my quieter and more comfortable Lexus LS430, but at a bit over twice the fuel cost.
I moved from a BMW 335 coupe with their sport seats to the Prius about 3 weeks ago. So far I find the interior to be a very comfortable place. Seats are comfortable and it does not seem noisy to me. In fact the lack of wind noise is noticeable. We have not spent any 10 hour periods in the car but have had a few days of 4 hours. I find it as comfortable as our Jeep Grand Cherokee. The highway driving requires a bit more concentration. First instant acceleration is not on tap so some planning is required. (Power is adequate) Second the vehicle is a bit impacted by cross winds but nothing terrible. This of course for me is in comparison to a fairly low coupe.
The difference in power must be quite a contrast. I've been there. My former 255 hp 02 Maxima was almost a rocket ship compared to my 06 Prius. My 287 hp 04 Z was a bit quicker but had way more NVH so it felt like the car Z was working harder. Some things that I could do in the Z I wouldn't even consider in the Prius b/c I know the latter lacks the acceleration.
Low mileage 250h cars are available on cars.com for as low as 25k, which is in the same ballpark anyway as the Prius' on cars.com. Maybe they don't compare in other ways, but I'm stunned it's as close as it is pricewise. So you think the new HyCam will be better than the HS power and ridewise. That's cool to know!