1. Barcelona Red 2. Ribbon Blue I've had a silver Civic since Feb. of 2003 and want a change from silver, although it does make it hard to see dirt on the car.
Maybe this thread would have better been presented and easier to interpret the outcome if it was a poll listing all available colors?
I was looking for a winter grey, and the last colour I thought I'd ever have was sandy beach..... but inside and out it looked so good on the lot that I changed my mind! The alternative was a classic silver, but my GenII was that colour and I wanted a change.
As in taxicab yellow? I've seen cabs of many different paint schemes, just in this city alone. Yes, including yellow.
I wanted the Blizzard Pearl White. I thought that it would look fantastic with the light grey interior and with tinted windows. However, when I finally saw the car in person, it didn't do it for me. I tried to get a Blue Ribbon Metallic, with a Barcelona Red as my second color. No BRM were available when I went to purchase my car, but a number of Red ones were available. I LOVE my red car! The metallic flecking in it looks fantastic in the daylight. Truly a candy apple red color. It is awesome, and I still love the color after 18 months of ownership. For what its worth, I never really like gold colored cars, but I must say that the gold color (to me) on the Prius looks fantastic. It flows nicely with the car. I don't know why.....it just does.
Definitely not the dark blue I got, it is a pain to keep looking good. If I had it to do over I would pick either silver or white.
My favorite color has always been silver gray. My wife already had a silver gray Honda Accord so I chose the Winter Gray. I love this color. Sure it shows dirt more but it sure does look good when cleaned or waxed !!
That's been done a number of time already if you'll do a search. This thread is just rehashing the issue, not that there's anything wrong with it, but a poll would be redundant.
I bought the Blizzard Pearl white since I felt it would help keep the car cooler in the summer. Barcelona Red would have been my second choice; it looks great too. I wanted Bisque seats but due to a mixup, it ended up with dark grey seats. I can live with it but it was a disappointment.
Gee wiz thanks buddy. I wonder how you knew of such a previous thread/poll? It is for your least favorite color though. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/66564-whats-your-least-favorite-color-gen-iii.html The only favorite color poll I came across was for the Gen. II. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/41642-vote-your-favorite-prius-color.html
http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/61251-2010-prius-color-choice-poll.html Blue Ribbon Metallic won this prior poll. I wonder why Prius is doing away with this color with the 2012's?