Glad to hear the West coast finally received the 06 Prius. Does anyone know when the East coast will be getting theirs or at least an educated guess? I can't stand the wait here in PA.
It's sad here in the northeast. Everytime I call my dealer and ask questions he doesn't have a clue. He didn't even know what packages were available.
Don't feel bad, the dealers around me only know how to take one's money also... They are lost when it comes to this car and sadly, they don't care to want to learn about it. I'm not paying more than MSRP but because of their unprofessionalism and my disgust with lack of help from contacting corporate etc when mine finally does come in I'm bringing a small jar of vaseline with me and leaving it on the guys desk after I take the keys and the paperwork is signed. I've bought 4 new cars since 96' and buying this car has far been the worst experience yet.