PAS: Prius Anticipation Syndrome Man, I'm almost 2/3's done my wait and for the past couple of weeks, I've been insanely obsessed with getting my car. My recent activities have included: o Scouring the PC boards for at least 5 hours a day (mostly during work hours) looking for any new information coming down about the '06. o Researching a half a dozen SprintPCS phones to make sure they're compatible with the Prius -- I've budgeted my phone into my car funds. o Researching third party GPS systems. o Buying music to assemble and burn the 6 CD's I'll have in my changer. o Finding an inexpensive iPod so I can use the MP3 jack. o Telling anyone who will listen about the features of the Prius and the difference between the '05 and '06 models. o Daydreaming about delivery day and the transactions that ensure. o Scour the PC boards some more at night. o Write inane and pointless posts about PAS because I'm suffering from it. *sigh* Is anyone out there experiencing the same issues or am I a few fries short of a happy meal?
Tell me about it! The 2GB iPod is $200 00 I've been looking at the Dell Pocket DJ -- 5GB (2500 songs) for the same price. I wonder if there's been any functionality built in especially for the iPod or if you'll be able to browse as normal with any MP3 device.
We all suffer(ed) from your syndrome but only now am I aware of it's name. The biggest problem is you want to at least go to a dealer once a week and take a test drive but can't because dealers don't have any to test drive. I wanted to rent one and that was also out of the question. The rental place had to sell them all back to the dealer. Best thing to do is anything else that takes your mind off of it. The time will pass faster that way. Think about when you're at work looking at the clock all the time. Time goes so slow.
A watched pot never boils. - - That's not literally true, but watching the pot does seem to make it take longer. Similarly, obsessing over your delivery date will make it seem twice as long. But then, I got lucky: they promised it would arrive in 3 months, but it actually arrived in only two. (Ordered in November of '03 and got it in January of '04.)
The dealer has an '05 to test drive, but it just seems like more of a tease to me, knowing I can't take it home. What's killing me is if they shift me back on the list if they get my Prius in before January. Bah.
Yeah, I should know better, but at least I'm doing some good with getting my accessories figured out before hand... A good thing about taking a later delivery is that I can more easily wait till Feburary to get my new cell phone when I'll be eligible for a $75 trade-in value.
Try this site and down load the owners manual and commit it to memory. After you have done that down load "Prius New Car Features" for the advanced course, after that I would recommend cold showers. Oops some how I forgot the link! Here it is :
As long as you don't start practicing how you'll write your Prius's name with your last name on paper, I think we're okay ;-)
right there with you on the PAS... I was told last week that my Jan-March window was more likely March, let the self delusion continue I am still hoping it will be more in line with January. Did get the phone part out of the way (killed my contract with sprint) and went with a BT phone from cingular, one thing off my list <grins>
Actually, I've found the exact opposite to be true for me. I've been Prius-obsessed since the beginning of August, put in my order in mid-September, and cannot believe it's already the end of November, nearly the beginning of December. The last few months have just flown by for me, and I can't believe there's only another month left till 2006. And I've been immersing myself into everything Prius-related, including, of course, Priuschat. Nearly every day...for anywhere from 1-5 hours a day. I'm constantly downloading things, printing things like brochures while at work, showing info/data sheets to anyone who will pay the least bit of attention to this Prius-obsessed crazy person. I have a 'Prius' folder that I keep all my Prius-related info's green. The weeks just keep ticking by...filled with me daydreaming about motoring around town in my soon-to-be brand new Prius....cruising solo in the carpool/HOV lane...heading to the mountains with all my gear in the hatch for a day of snowboarding....programming the Navi system....deciding which cd's will take temporary residence in the disc changer...being able to wave at other Prius drivers without them looking at me funny like they do now when I smile & wave from my non-Prius...showing my doubting friends and family members all the neato gadgets and creature comforts the car comes equipped with...bragging about mpg's...deciding which tires to replace the OEM's with...getting the windows tinted...figuring out what my vanity plate shall say, if anything at all...etc etc etc.
my name is odamone and I suffer from PAS. I'd like to start a poll: How many times did you test-drive a Prius before purchasing? For those who have still not taken possesion (of which I am one) how many times have you test-driven to-date? My answer: at least six, maybe more, I've lost count :huh:
I went through a similar process back last February/March, fortunately not for too long. PC and PO and numerous other sites were, like, my life for a month. Those early stages of it all are sort of blogged at et al, which I'm slightly embarrassed about because there's *so* much more I need to update it with by now, but it's sort of got the learning/ decision/test/purchase process nailed down. Hopefully that's not *more* of a tease... just intended as entertainment and another viewpoint. . _H*
PAS? There's no such stinking thing as PAS. Oh, wait a minute. Another section of my downloaded '06 Prius manual finished printing. Gotta go. :blink: Tick....tick....tick.......
>>PAS: Prius Anticipation Syndrome Ahh, a checklist of things I should be doing... o Scouring the PC boards for at least 5 hours a day (mostly during work hours) looking for any new information coming down about the '06. - CHECK o Researching a half a dozen SprintPCS phones to make sure they're compatible with the Prius -- I've budgeted my phone into my car funds. CHECK - Phone (verizon E815) purchased and hancked. o Researching third party GPS systems. - QUERY -> Is there a deficiency i n the navigation systems that requires a add-on? o Buying music to assemble and burn the 6 CD's I'll have in my changer. - CHECK, favorite music already in organized MP3 form. o Finding an inexpensive iPod so I can use the MP3 jack. - CHECK - iRiver already loaded. o Telling anyone who will listen about the features of the Prius and the difference between the '05 and '06 models. - Check - Thanksgivings dinner... Dinner the night before, coworkers... o Daydreaming about delivery day and the transactions that ensure. - Terrified - Havent scraped the finances together, or finished securing the loan yet. Instant Loan's my nice person. o Scour the PC boards some more at night. - 3:00am - here - Check. o Write inane and pointless posts about PAS because I'm suffering from it. - Present... -Ken
I wouldn't be too sure -- I really wasn't obsessed until I GOT my Prius Now, I'm obsessed. I read the entire owners manual, have washed it by hand (bought a chamios cloth from Target just to do it), have filled each tank myself (so as to get the receipt and track the MPG)......:wub:....oh, not to mention posting on this board!