I think it's time to remind Toyota that some people don't like the big, blue emblems. Not that this poll is biased or anything. I think it just looks bad on most of the available colors of the car. I made it multiple choice so people could also choose the dealer option.
I agree that on some colors it could look awkward, but overall, by itself, I kinda like it. It'd be cooler if it was back-lit with LEDs (very subtly, like the shifter knob one). I wonder if they sell simple, plain replacement ones on ebay or the like. If it's out there, it's typically on ebay lol
OK. I'll bite. I like the blue emblem on my white G3. I am hesitant to agree with the "most people" statement. I am prejudice ... because I like the blue .... I would guess that "most people" do not even think about it. "Most people" I know bought the Prius for it's fuel efficiency and Toyota quality. I have not heard one person say they yought for it's blue emblem. If the emblem is that objectionable ... don't buy. If sufficient numbers of people do not buy because of the blue emblem ... I feel certain that Toyota will change the design.
This poll has been done before. The search function turned up this thread begun in mid-'09 and bumped in late '10: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/63251-poll-blue-prius-emblems.html Time for a new member/annual update?
I just thought it was time for a reminder and a fresh look. Really annoyed me to see the some recent Toyota marketing actually tout the blue emblems as if they were somehow a great feature. They are doing the same thing with the PIPs. Based on the prior poll I may be in the minority.
That's what I suspected. FWIW, the neon blue part is just a plastic piece behind the Circle-T emblem. It can be replaced with any color you want. On the rear hatch, it takes some work as you have to get at it from inside the rear hatch, as shown in this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-accessories-modifications/65503-out-blue-emblem.html On the hood, it looks to be a simpler matter: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...cations/65627-front-blue-emblem-replaced.html Taken together, those two threads would suggest that the color for the Circle-T emblem backing is an owner option vice potential OEM/dealer option. You may be in the minority, but apparently DeanFL has/had similar strong negative feelings.
It doesn't bother me. I guess it's pretty much like the VW/Audi TDI's having a blue I if it has the particulate filter.
Back lighting with LEDs means using energy to light a badge on the outside of the car. I prefer to use energy to move my car.
I have a backlit front emblem (you can't do this with the ATP since the radar is there). I didn't notice a decrease in fuel mileage after I installed it. It is just 12 volt LEDs wired to the parking lights.
Well I don't mind the Blue Emblem, in fact I like it. Plus what I have witnessed not only with Toyota and Prius, but in many and almost all automotive forums is that if someone doesn't like an emblem, people seem to enjoy finding creative ways to change the emblem. Almost every automotive forum has posts about removing, changing or illuminating emblems. It seems to me that for many part of the "fun" of ownership can be tweaking the emblem. So myself? I like the Prius Emblem, but would say if you don't like it? There are numerous ways to adapt it or change it....have fun.
Naturally. It's a small light, drawing a small amount of power. I consider it a waste, but I'm sure you appreciate the aesthetic value every time you're able to see it lit.
I think you are extremely biased as you have sandy beach and the only two colors the blue emblem looks bad on are sandy beach and Barcelona red.
I don ´ t care on my Barcelona Red. It seems that it is used a symbol of low polution vehicles. iPhone ? Zdenok
Kill them. They're low rent. They look like crossed A$$holes. Kill them, drive a stake through their hearts, and bury them in a silver lined box. Or....at least shrink them down a little.
I like the blue it gives the emblems a little pizazz. "Green" may have made a nice accent color also.
I kind of got used to it on my own car, or just don't notice it anymore. What got me jacked up again about this was looking at all the recent pictures of the new 2012s coming out soon,including the PIPs. In so many pictures it just seemed so glaring and cheesy, especially on green or red, but even on the dark gray (that has blue specks in the paint). The smaller, color neutral symbol seems more elegant, IMHO.
Yes, there are more than enough old threads on how to change these out. Thanks for linking to them here. If someone had figured out how to do the switch on the radar equipped cars, I would have have gone to gold emblems and neutral backgrounds a long time ago.
Back off with the whining BS. You sound like spoiled brats. The blue emblem is just fine the way it is.