I hear that the united states goverment is trying to tax all prius owners here a tax on our gas savings. They want to retrive the money that is being lost by us buying hybred vehicles. Any one else hear this? :angry:
Yes, I did hear that I also heard that you will be taxed for the weight of the car due to the included battery weight. It's supposed to be pathole eliminating tax levied on all hybrid vehicles.
Increased wight over what a Hummer. I am willing to pay for miles, emissions, gallons of gas, and curb weight as long as every one else is as well. I would object to just charging for miles.
Folks, this is a recommendation by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce . They are not a part of the legislative process. It is only a "stupid" recommendation which I'm sure will be rejected by Congress. Ken
However they do it, it needs to be done across the board - nothing should be done specifically to hybrids. It's a shame all the politicians care about is getting re-elected and not doing what's right for our country.
Thank you Ken, I am glad to hear that. Like I said, I have heard but not verified anything. Go figure though that someone would even consider such a looney tune sort of thing.
I like that comment, but of course there are probally many more comments such as that. But to actually tax us because we are trying to do good is ridiculus.
It's not because we're trying to do good, it's 'because we're using roads without paying our fair share. I know, I know, just trying to take some of the bias out. I think a much greater tax on studded tires needs to come long before this tho'.
i'm not terribly against this - if everyone bought a hybrid tomorrow, i would REJOICE and happily pay a per mile charge to make up for the fact that noone is using as much gas, so we aren't paying enough to keep the potholes at bay. i do find it kind of silly that they give us one kind of tax break to get us to buy it, but can't cover costs, so they'd like to take it back elsewhere.
I don't understand why this is getting so much attention. Nobody in Congress is interested in sponsoring this recommendation into a bill.
If they really want to make it all about "fair share" they need to tax by weight. At least the way it is now, where the government taxes each gallon of gas, it is somewhat proportional to vehicle size and road impact... But the Prius and cars like it aren't the most damaging cars on the road, by any chance.
I was just going to say weight. And what about tire width. And don't forget that all should be taxed, not just 1 type of vehicle.