Anyone know how durable they are? I'd like to install my EZ-Pass up there with two strips of 3M Dual Lock but I want to make sure that the area won't be damaged if/when I need to remove the 3M strips.
No problem they don't block the radio signal. That's where my "FastPass" is mounted. You just leave the tape on the window when you sell the car.
Yeah, I've always put my velcro strips over the dots up there and it has never been a problem. That is, they always stayed stuck to the dots and never have interfered with the ez pass. I also once had to remove the strips and using some alcohol removed the leftover glue and the dots were unaffected.
Great. That's what I wanted to hear! Thanks so much! Now if I could just get that damn Green Pass. Had to jump through a bunch of hoops today on the phone (my EZ-Pass was with MTA, not PANYNJ.) Hopefully they got it right.
Haha, yeah I was going to get one but I gave up. I dont want a second ex pass and since I dont drive the thruway and don't cross the other crossings regularly I didnt bother. Now if it worked for the Verrazzano I'd be all over it.
Byron I installed my E-Z Pass right behind the rear view mirror on the passenger side. I used the double sided tape that came with my Green E-Z Pass. I don't notice it and its right below the black dots you are talking about. If you want I can take a pic to show you.
Sure, if you don't mind. My only concern about mounting it there is that I don't like that it would be visible from the outside.
Byron here you go buddy. You can see I've taken a couple of pics from different angles to show my EZ Pass placement. I know what you mean by seeing it from outside the car but then again...I don't mind.
I have mine WAY higher than that. Mine is right on the dots, right to the top of the headliner and almost all the way to the left hugging the dropdown of wires to the rearview mirror. It's out of the way and almost not scene and still works 100% of the time.
I had a tint strip put on the top of my windshield and mounted my EZ-Pass and garage pass behind the black dots. Makes for a clean and hidden placement. You can't see the two from the outside and they work perfectly!