I bought one out of necessity on Saturday. I just bought the basic one with no bells or whistles. It's from 2011 but now that I am looking at all the prius pages, Im confused what I have. do I have 2, II or something else? Whatever it is, it's a nice car. Sort of still getting used to it since I've never owned a sedan/hatchback before, but that's peanuts compared to looking at the gauge and seeing what mileage I am getting. at least I think I am looking at the right gauge for that. lol. So for starters, hello to you all, and what do I have? anyone? anyone?
As long as you know it's a package two it's technically a Prius 2. For 2010 they were called Prius II, III, IV and V BUT for 2011 and continuing on for 2012 it will be Prius 2, 3, 4 and 5. They did this because with the launch of the Prius v (where lower case v stands for versatility since it's kind of a Prius station wagon, or bigger Prius) they wanted to 'avoid confusion'. Which, as we all know, it's a little late for unfortunately lol.
Howdy. Welcome and congrats. If you bought the basic one, then you most likely have a "package II". Easiest way to tell is go to Toyota.com and compare the features that your car does and/or doesn't have. Seems like dealers mostly have 2s on the lot, so if you just walked in and picked one up that's likely what it is. Enjoy your new ride!
Toyota Vehicles : Toyota Announces Prices for 2010 Prius / Toyota should help but the prices are old and it has the former convention of Roman numerals instead of spelling out the words.
Sounds like you have a G3-2. Third gen, base level. Hope you enjoy the car! Best of Luck....and :welcome:
Welcome to the forum. If you still have your dealer window sticker, it will have the vehicle specifics in the upper left hand portion. Yes, the mpg is great gauge to watch.