Exactly one month to the day when I got my car! Parked in Home Depot. I see the person next to me is loading up their car. I pull out slowly. What I don't see is he put his cart (one of those low ones to carry wood) DIRECTLY behind me. Bam! I get out and say "Why did you put that directly behind my car?" He apologizes. Now I have a itsy bitsy tiny little chip of missing paint on my back right bumper. Will anyone notice it? Doubt it- but I have and I can't stop thinking about it. I guess this is why I need a backup cam.
Bummer dude... join the club. One day after I got mine I whacked the side of one of the doors with a jack handle. Yes, the cams do help.
The first one is always the hardest! If it really bothers you, get a bottle of touch up paint from the dealer, and using a toothpick, dab a few very light coats, allowing to dry 5 - 10 minutes between coats, until the damaged area is level with the surrounding area.
So tempted! The paint around it is a little raised- how do I take care of that? Like it peeled off a little.
I somehow scratched the back below the trunk door (probably NOT being careful enough when unloading/loading a bike). I didn't notice it when it happened. No worries, Mother Nature beat me to that with 2 visible hailstone imprints on the roof (and even before that, initial noticeable damage was probably done by a 3rd party who thought they might my front bumper, another time I was apparently backed into while away on a frigid cold weekend....both of these instances resulted in me replacing the bumper). I don't feel TOO bad about that rear scratch in light of all that occurred prior.