Whether it be Live, by Tivo, buying the season DVDs, or whatever method you use to watch a television show - what do you watch? I never found much time before for TV watching so I used to stick to my three main shows - Alias, The West Wing and Scrubs, but now that I've gotten a ReplayTV and have had a chance to record things and catch up on them later. So here's my list, in no particular order: Alias West Wing Ed (though it's dying a quick death) Scrubs Coupling (BBC) The Daily Show - this is a show you can watch weeks after the news happens and Jon's still funny 24 - caught the first 2 seasons on DVD and now am watching S3 every week Friends - I'll turn this on but I always end up getting up before it's over - the ones that come on TBS, though, will keep me in my seat the full 30 minutes. And now last night I was working on a few things so I had The Apprentice on in the background and ended up enjoying this reality show. I've set it up for a weekly Replay record now. If I were a Nielson home, they'd hate me because I rarely watch anything live (except for sports, of course.
The West Wing I have to admit to being a West Wing junkie. I watch the reruns on Bravo nighty, and of course watch the actual show Wednesday night. It is the most satisfying show I have ever watched. I have some great discussions at school about the show with some of my peers, including the principal. I also don't watch any of the shows live but tape them for a more convenient viewing time. Jeff
I really don't watch TV on a regular basis. When I do watch TV, it's usually sort of a random event and, typically, will be some news show or movie. OTOH, I have seen parts of many shows and, also randomly, catch certain segments of some of the more popular shows (primarily because I'll walk in while my kids are watching them). What I find strange is that I watch two shows on a fairly regular basis but can't explain why I watch them. One show, ER, has really gone to hell yet, somehow, my wife and I almost always end up in front of the set when the show airs. The other show contains subject matter in which I'm not even interested; motorcycles. That show is on the Discovery Channel and is called American Choppers. I watch it with my two sons who, for some inexplicable reason, also enjoy it.
I watch Angel...used to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer but that is gone now I got slightly addicted to American Chopper during their marathon on New Years but I dont know if I will watch it on a regular basis. The local news I watch regularly and when I remember, the Daily Show. shona still waiting for her BC
Alias is my favorite show my other favorite is Joan of Arcadia. I also will watch West Wing with DH, and I also watch Everwood (I know, I know, it's the WB ), & sometimes Ed.
I forgot about Joan of Arcadia...I watch it with my sister when I visit my little nephew. The WB isnt to bad :mrgreen: After all Buffy started on in and it has Angel. shona
I use Dish Network with a 510 DVR which can record 100 hours of shows, so I almost never watch live TV anymore. Just program it once a week and it records what I want which is the following: 24 - MUST SEE TV!!!!! 70's Show - Latest season isn't as good as the reruns. American Chopper - Got to love the way those guys love/hate each other Trading Spaces Stargate SG-1 - New season is on, and it looks good!!!! Babalon 5 XPlay Supercross Motorcross Monster House Thats about it, other than some movies and such that I want to see. Atoyot
Apparently, I'm the only Sci-Fi junkie of the bunch. The only "network" programming I watch with any regularity is Enterprise on UPN. I'm typically watching reruns of TNG on Spike TV. If not these, then I can be found watching local news, Discovery channel or TLC when they aren't doing the latest revision of trading spaces or motor vehicle butchering. Whenever History Channel is airing Modern Marvels, you can pretty much bet that I'm watching it. If Sci-Fi channel is playing something good like the Twilight Zone marathons they had over the holidays, I'll watch those as well.
Buffy (two repeats every weekend!) Angel Gilmore Girls StreetSmarts Days Of Our Lives What I Like About You Friends ('because it's the last season, of course) ER Antiques Roadshow Urban Theatre Austin City Limits This Old House and sometimes Charmed That looks like a lot, doesn't it? I miss some every week... in my defense... 8)
I usually watch or record with some regularity: Smallville (it's interesting to see the pre-superman evolution) Enterprise (both on at the same time, I have to catch Enterprise on it's Sunday repeat here in the L.A. Market) E.R. 8 Simple Rules (not quite the same w/o John Ritter though) Mad TV Southpark
Reviving this old thread.... I watch (in no particular order): Desperate Housewives Charmed 7th Heaven Related Gilmore Girls LOST Twins Hot Properties Will & Grace My Name Is Earl Everybody Hates Chris The OC What I Like About You How I Met Your Mother Reba The Biggest Loser Jake In Progress King of Queens Girlfriends Wifeswap Real World Girls Next Door Breaking Bonaduce Malcolm in the Middle Family Guy Spongebob Dr. 90210 Nip/Tuck Saturday Night Live Wildfire And some shows that are not currently airing new episodes but I can catch reruns or watch on DVD or go by pure memory: 90210 Melrose Place Sex & the City Beavis & Butthead Beauty and the Geek The Bachelor Baywatch Daria Old B&W Twilight Zone (I have them all on VHS) Conclusion: Yes I love my television. I also love my Tivo and Time Warner DVR so that if need be, I could simultaneously record 3 shows that might possibly be on at the same time.
Lost. I haven't been able to find any syndications of Northern Exposure, the best TV show ever made, since A & E ran it several years ago. (I have DISH.) Has anyone seen it lately? Anyone else like it a lot?
Man, you folks sure do watch a lot of Television!!! If I can sit down long enough, I try to catch: Family Guy Battlestar Galactica (waiting for new season!) Little Britain Weather Channel (during hurricane season) The wife is a dedicated Charmed fan...yikes.
Primarily Anime on Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim" block, "The Anime Network" on "On Demand" and on DVDs. I have DVR so these get recorded automatically. I can zip through commercials and get through a 1/2 hour show in 22 minutes. My avatar is "Vash the Stampede" from Trigun.
PBS, especially NOVA, Frontline, Masterpiece Theater. Avoid normal broadcast television. We watch Monarch of the Glen (Scotland) on DVD and Westwing on DVD - no commercials, good continuity from episode to episode. I think of Edward Abbey's comments from "Desert Solitaire" "Do you know the principle of television?" "No." "Vacuum tube." Do you know what happens when you stick your head in a vacuum tube?" "No." "It sucks your brains out!" We prefer to read, ride our bicycles, walk our dogs, work in the garden and not be couch potatoes.
I am of a major minority in the States... I don't have a TV! I have a 5-DVD changer, but I only use it to play CDs. I rent approx 1 movie every three months. Most recent rental - The Chorus (French). Podcasts however: Theory of Everything Digital Flotsam WGBH morning Stories 2600's Off the Wall and Off the Hook MAKE Audio A Way with Words Ockhams Razr (Australia) Ocaasionally the Daily Source code, but that's declining
Only free tv. Smallville The OC Everwood Surface Invasion Stargate Atlantis Days of Our Lives Desparate Housewives Ebert and Roeper McLaughlin Group Nova Frontline etc sometimes on PBS