We've been searching/reading/thinking/looking...for a couple of months now. I rented a '10 last month for a three day trip and loved it, even though it was kind of well-used. We toyed with the idea of making the pilgrimage to California, but wound up paying $799 over invoice for a lovely black Prius II at a local dealership (about 20 miles from where we live in south eastern Michigan). My husband is retired so he will be starting to wax, polish, etc. the car tomorrow. Will post a pic when its up to his standards. We only ended up with two actual options...the blue illuminated door sill protectors and the decal that helps to protect the back bumper. We also ordered the fab weather tech mats, which should be here in about a week. Many thanks to all for the great posts. I can't say that I've read nearly all of them, but I have a great start!
Welcome to Priuschat and Prius ownership. I hope you have as many enjoyable years as I've had so far. :welcome:
Welcome and congrats! It's good to hear that availability and price flexibility is improving here in Michigan. When I started shopping about 2 months ago, no dealer had new Prii in stock and all were MSRP only. Three weeks ago when my car came in there were some unsold cars starting to show up, but pricing was still stuck on MSRP. I'm glad I bought my car when I did with no regrets.
Thanks to all, and you are right, "Car Compulsive"! When we started looking a couple of months ago, there wasn't much around. By this week, our dealership had 6 of them on the lot, so we took the leap. The other dealership in town still doesn't have any '11s in stock. I have to laugh at the "cult" reference! We have been Saturn owners since 1993 and characterized out loyalty to them in those terms! Now that this is my 5th post, I should be able to post a pic one of these days!
Funny you should also be a Saturn owner. When I talk with other Prius owners, especially when I'm fortunate enough to be able to have a face-to-face with other Priuschatters, we often end up making the Saturn reference in regards to how we cling together and support each other in a friendly and non-competitive way. Welcome to the "other" cult!