Does anyone have the arizona cloud hybrid license plate from their prius that they want to sell? If you have traded in your prius an still have the plate please let me know! Thanks everyone!!!
Got mine today. I bought my 07' used back in early 2008 and just missed out on the last program. So glad that I jumped on this today!!
Lol I have the special tag for ga and am pretty sure I'm the only one in ga that has this tag and is on a prius it's the alternative fuel tag for ga
Thanks for the heads up on AZ cloud plates, azbabs. Just placed an online order for my 2010 Prius. I almost always drive alone and may feel a bit guilty for driving on HOV lanes - I'll get over it after the first time I suppose.
thats cool that you can buy each others NY the plates follow u from car to car unless you turn them in for whatever reason...