i accidentally found out that my ez pass tag works in the top glove compartment . I used to keep it on the dashboard during the workweek and in the weekend just put in the glove compartment and the take it out again, one day i forgot and did not realized it until i was going thru the toll lane but it worked,I keep it on top of those slip proof rubber mats so it wont slide all around inside the glove compartment,and no need to keep the glove compartment door open, thats just to show how its place inside, has anyone else tried this?
I keep mine in the top glove compartment as well. Think I saw it as a tip in another tread here, its allot nicer than sticking it to the windshield or leaving it lay on the dash. I have not tried it in one of the toll portales that allows you to drive thru at highway speeds yet.
I used the wife's old beep box for about a week and it stayed in the glovebox. Worked every time. I now have my sticker installed. I put it in the lower corner of the windshield on the passenger side. Works great and isn't really noticeable. There's really no need to even get the boxes anymore if you think about it. The new ones don't beep or have lights so they function the same as the sticker, and are $20 more. I'm happy with my $5 sticker!
The only reason I can think is that the sticker is almost permanent. If you get a loaner or rent a car for a trip, you can't take the sticker with you. I find myself using my sunpass when a friend drives to Dolphins stadium for football games so we can use the Express lanes.
Yes, an EZPass transponder will be read from the upper glove compartment of a Gen II or III even in a high-speed (55 or 65 MPH) lane.
Nice, I like the idea of not having to install it in the window. I'm waiting on the Port Authority to send me my 'Green Pass.' Do you know if they'll ding me for not having that bright green transponder visible in the window or do they even care as long as it reads and they get their money? From your experience, does the orientation of the EZ-Pass matter when used from the glove compartment (label up or label down?) Do I need to be sure that nothing is on top of it? Also... If I do end up installing it on the windsheild I would like to put it at the top of the windshield just right of the mirror mount where the black dots (frits) are on the glass. I'm worried that when I remove the adhesive years down the road it could damage the frits. Anyone know how durable that stuff is? Could the adhesive from the 3M Dual Lock damage it?
I'm betting that it was registered for the car you drove to MD......once you put it on the Prius it was now on a unregistered vehicle....that's why it appeared not to work. Each transponder is set to work on only 1 car, if it's on a different vehicle....you will get a "call ez pass" light.
Actually, Troyroy & MaggieMay, The E-Z Pass issued by the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority will work on any number of cars (within reason---I'm not sure if they have a limit or not). The stipulation is that you give them each registration plate number you own along with a description of the car (make, model, & color) that matches each plate (this is to prevent fraud probably). You have to call them before using the E-Z Pass on any other car not registered to your account (such as a loaner or a new car) to have it added to your account (don't forget to call them to remove the loaner or old car once you no longer have it). Some rental companies already provide toll transponders in their cars, so you might want to check with your rental company to see if they do (I'm not sure what would happen with 2 transponders in the same car---if one would interfere with the reading of the other so that neither could be read). Each time you pass through a toll booth with your transponder it triggers a camera to take a picture of the license plate & the car. If the car & plate don't match anything registered to your account, you will get a notice in the mail to pay a fine (which you can dispute, but I'm not sure if you will be successful). Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
I'm in Northern California, have FasTrack, and do the same thing by putting it in the upper glove box. No problems on any of the bridges here.
Hi Maggie, I have the same issue. I even stopped by at the EZPass authority admin office to make sure that there's nothing wrong with my transponder. I use it on two vehicles (Toyota 4Runner and Prius). When it's on the former, it works fine when I have it mounted just above the dashboard (transponder is in plastic holder with suction cups), but whenever I move it to the Prius, the toll cameras do not pick up the signal at all. I am going to try to drive it through one of those toll places that has a camera way above the vehicles to see if it will work. Other than that, I don't know where else I can put it. Ironic, I am trying to save gas driving the vehicle and yet, I am incurring unneccessary toll fees ($3 vs. $0.75) every time I go through toll. Any suggestions out there? Thanks
Interesting. Here in Florida we have either the god awful mini Sunpass which permanently adheres to the front windshield or one with suction cups which can be moved from car to car. Have any of you looked into a suction cup holder? I know our older Sunpasses, before the newer ones with suction cups came out, you could find a holder in some retail establishments or online. I hate permanently adhering stuff to my windows. OOOOO They have a new model! Sorry... I got lost somewhere along the way in my post. You all are talking about ezpass and here I am rambling on about Sun Pass.