Both CAN-view versions are now available. I will be building them to order, and will limit orders to those I can reasonably expect to ship in a 3 week maximum period, which initially means a limit of ~20 units. Version 1 (basic) displays CAN messages on the MFD and costs US$225+shipping. Version 2 (enhanced) displays CAN messages on the MFD, has an external RGB socket for an optional NTSC-RGB converter, has serial touch screen O/P, serial input for an optional BOBIII text-to-video card and another connector for a modified Pioneer AVIC-88 navigation unit. It costs US$275 +shipping. For much more detailed information, go to Both these units are ONLY for the 2004/5 Prius without factory NAV or backup camera. If you have a Classic Prius, or either Prius with factory NAV, please do not order at this time. If you have read all about them and are ready to buy, send an email to [email protected] and I will respond as soon as I can. regards, Norm (eflier)
Update as of Nov 19th. I set an initial estimate of time-to-build at 3 weeks. That has proved overly conservative. With the experience gained from the first 10 CAN-view units built and shipped, I now expect to ship either version within 1 week of receiving an order. Just send your request to [email protected]with your address and I'll respond within 24 hours with a couple of shipping options.
A reasonable question deserves a reasonable answer. Here is the status about CAN-view with NAV. According to Frenchie, the version 2 unit he has basically works with his factory NAV. There is an issue with screen time-outs to resolve. But the main reason I have said nothing is that he had to splice into his NAV connector wires in order to install, a messy procedure which he does not advise. Finding the correct matching Toyota connector pair to make up the required 4-way wiring harness to let an unmodified CAN-view work in a plug-and-play way, is a big stumbling block. There are a couple of samples coming via Frenchie but no guarantees of more. And because you cannot buy the connectors alone, the parts you have to buy mean an unacceptable end price perhaps US$90 on top of the version 2 price. Frankly, I don't know how Coastal or VAIS acquire the connectors they use. Perhaps if I were making 100 of them, a custom solution would be possible. This may open a can of worms, but the reality is I know of only 4 people who might commit to a with-NAV version. So I'll pose this question: If a with-NAV version could be provided within 2 weeks, cost just $20 more for a partial harness but require splicing into their NAV cable (with possible warranty issues?), how many people would still want to do this? If a with-NAV version with full plug-and-play harness could be provided within 3 weeks, but cost US$90 more, how many people would still consider this? Finally, is there a Prius-with-factory-NAV owner, on the west coast of Canada, who would consider doing some local testing to help resolve this? replies to [email protected]
If the "splicing" was simply using taps to splice I'd pay $20 extra for the CAN-View. perhaps add a connector to the wires that splice in so the CAN-View could, if desired, be detatched. I don't think there are major warranty issues and I'm mostly out of warranty anyway.
I hope I'm still on your list of 'want it when it's ready' buyers. You can count me as willing to spend the extra but either way is fine. I'm not anywhere near out of warranty, but I've already bolted on a receiver hitch and installed the coastal EV widget, so I guess I'm on the slippery slope... JP
I think if you make the harness available, that folks will spend the money.. not all but many.. it does seem a bit expensive.. maybe startup costs?.. I think it would pay for itself because I would venture to say that most of the people that would apprecate the info and readout the can-view delivers are the same type of folks that also have the NAV installed... In other words.. I think your sales would really skyrocket if the harness was a bit more reasonable? It seems about 5 bucks in material... If you can find an efficient way to assemble them, they will be worth it. When I get my 2006.. I have no prob paying the extra to have a clean job that I don't have to worry about connections working loose.... But many may not.......
This is slightly off topic, but for those of us with NAV I (and I'd bet many more people) would be interested in any NAV-related enhancements that may be possible. For example, I'd guess that the NAV system might be capable of calculating altitude, speed, etc. as many hand-held GPS units do. It would be nice if we could display this sort of information on our MFD. I'm not sure whether this has ever been discussed in this forum, but a search for "altitude" returned no results . . .
I agree... I used to have that function on my watch....and it was very handy when out in the boonies traversing the mountains. Very simple addition.... I used it also to tell how much farther I had to the summit when going over passes.... or how close I was to sea level.
eflier, I've got Nav on an '05, and you can count me in. In your last e-mail (reasonable reply) you state you don't know how VAIS gets their connectors. I'm planning on getting the VAIS to hook up our iPod. So my question is, can these co-exist? If I get the VAIS, and it has extra connectors built into IT, could you use those to connect in? Am I making sense? In any case $20 or $90 over, if it is clean I'm game and please PM me when available.
I don't know. It would help if some kind person would post pictures of the VAIS unit on PriusChat, with special attention to all connectors. As to co-existing, that depends on whether it shares the same AVC id (280) as CAN-view. Anybody know?
gee Norm... i accidentally got people excited over this when i told them on the Scanuage thread that you had already released a version that worked with NAV. sorry about that. i knew you were working on it... but if all it takes is wiretapping some connections, i think you will find that there is a HUGE interest in your product. most find that is much more desirable to have the onscreen data.
i have the AIC with a 60 GB ipod AND a 4 GB mini connected along with my CANVIEW. they dont share connections at all. the CANVIEW plugs into the MFD the AIC plugs into the stereo...
I have 2005 Prius with Factory NAV and I would be interested in the $90 solution. I would not be interested in any thing that could void the warranty. That one of the reasons I wouldn't get the EV switch. Have you talked to Coastal or VAIS to find out where they get their connectors from? Last thing I heard from Coastal, they are having the same problem locating connectors for the NAV enhancement mod.
I used to mystify the new younger scouts in my son's troop by getting a elevation profile of every hike and that with my altimeter on my watch I could answer all those questions, like "how much more to the top of the hill?", "how much farther?", and the ever popular "are we there yet". I would glance at the profile card I made and laminated and give them a direct answer. ".3 mile to the top of the hill", "5.7 miles", and "no". The older scouts new the drill, and were more interested in the GPS I carried. BTW I would pay $90 bucks extra or order the necessary connectors myself.
Ok, I make that 5 people interested so while waiting for Frenchie's 2 parts to arrive I have ordered 5 matching sets of connectors from How can bits of bare plastic cost so much? The female parts don't even come with the special pins! Frenchie is doing more tests soon to try to resolve this screen time-out issue. Once that is done and I have built the first 4-way harness, I will need to confirm everything is correct before shipping to anyone. So hang in there for the continuing with-NAV soap opera.
Make that 6. I may be able to help you figure out a cheap way to get the connectors. Let me do some research. Which connector is it exactly? Is it the opposite of the one shown in the other thread that connects to the touchscreen? Nate
I believe the connector in question is connector M14 as listed in the wiring diagram. If that's the case, then it is part number 90980-12410 from Toyota. Many (but not all) Toyota connectors are paired with their gender counterpart such that if 90980-12410 is the female connector then 90980-12409 is the male connector. Try ordering this part number from the dealership. The other possibility is to design the NAV kit to use the NAV system's connectors under the driver's seat. The part number of these are N2 90980-11973, with its mate being 90980-11972 (This part number is indicated by Toyota as being for a PCB, so it may need to go on a board. N3 is 90980-11923, its mate is 90980-11922. Just something to consider. I am willing to cut and splice, however. Nate
Yes, factory NAV has a cable from N3 on the NAV to M14 on the MFD. So you could either connect a CAN-view right at the back of the MFD or right next to the NAV unit If the choice was at the back of the MFD, we would need the female plug 90810-12410 which I now have ~100 of and its mate, which is not even listed at my Canadian dealership. Possibly a US dealership can get parts we can't? If the choice was into the NAV N3 (no signals of interest to me on the N2) then we would need the 90980-11922 and its PC mount counterpart 90980-11923 I've ordered the 922, but the 923 is unavailable. What is offered is a harness 08635-00010 which has the matching connector on 1 end which you cut off and throw the rest of the harness away. Hence the much higher price. With these restrictions, doing 2 types of harness isn't practical. Only the version 2 can be used with NAV because the external video port is needed for the NAV. This means it has to go under the seat, in which case a very short harness to the adjacent NAV unit makes sense. (Rather than 2 x8 foot lengths up to the MFD and back) So it comes down to will I get the connector and harness I ordered? and will I ever get more than 5? (The connector on the harness is not even listed at the dealership) I am going via If anyone has a better idea I am open to suggestions.
Keep me posted, I just got the show and tell from DaveinOlyWa. I was impressed. Very nice. If I die looking at and trying to decipher the hex display I hold you harmless. I love it. Where is my HP calculator. I need new batteries!