Tank Miles: 325.2km Total Miles: 19513.8km MFD Avg: 5.1L/100km Calc'd Avg: 4.85L/100km Amt. of Fuel Used: 15.772 litres Price of Tank: $14.19 Price per litre: 89.9¢ Avg Temps: 9°C
Tank Miles: 330.9km Total Miles: 19844.7km MFD Avg: 5.0L/100km Calc'd Avg: 6.31L/100km Amt. of Fuel Used: 20.893 litres Price of Tank: $19.10 Price per litre: 91.4¢ Avg Temps: 7°C
just got my last tank for the month (i think). i drive mostly highway, but with a bit of stoplights. 24 miles, at 50-55mph, a small 2-3 mile stretch at 48, and about a mile combinded on each end to get to house and work from highway. total about 28 miles each way. i usually stop at around 5-7 lights each way, all being in the 55mph zone. the first tank temp was around 40F-60F, so no heater, second i turned heater on for most of it seeing at it was about 30F here. Code: tank  miles  mfd  gal(US)  calc 1    464   54.7  8.620   53.83 2    441   50.5  8.998   49.01 total  905   52.6  17.618  51.37
Tank Miles: 468.6km Total Miles: 20313.3km MFD Avg: 4.8L/100km Calc'd Avg: 4.87L/100km Amt. of Fuel Used: 28.807 litres Price of Tank: $20 Price per litre: 87.7¢ Avg Temps: 9°C
I have seen quite a bit of evidence of what you others have received for fuel mileage in their vehicles. The only piece I see missing is the average speed for said mileage. I know for my two motorcycles what I get at a given average speed. For example, my Kawasaki Ninja 250 gets 52mpg@67mph overall speed while the Honda VFR800 obtains [email protected] average speed. These figures are for the complete average speed during one tank of gas. I use a set of bicycle computers to record the top and average speeds. Does anyone have any speed records a correlation to their mpg ratings? Enjoy, Randal
Yup. A search should provide answers. I recall several threads where some have measured speed vs. mileage (usually btwn 50-80mph). Also, if I recall correctly, there's even a thread on drafting lol.