I have just tried the override on 06, and I found the override no longer works. It states in the manual that you can "talk" to the computer and put in the address request. Is this a feature in 05? I also found that you cannot dial phone numbers when the car is moving. Only speed dial works. You can however "talking" to computer to dial the number. Is the same as 05. There appear to be differenct voice features on 06. For example, I remember on 05, you can just push talk button and say the command. But in 06, when you click talk button, the computer comes on and say, "please say the command after the beep". This is way too slow to do anything. Did I remember wrong? The MP3 folder list will not show up while the car is in motion. This is quite irritating. I wish there is override for this.
Sorry to hear the NAV software override no longer works. You did menu, volume, upper-left, lower-left, upper-left, lower-left, correct? There is also a hard-wire override... The '05 was not able to enter a destination using voice commands. How is that feature working out for you? The only way you can dial while moving is through 1-touch, or interrupting the speed input to the MFD. The '05 could not voice dial. The '05 also says "please say the command after the beep", which is a bit slow. Edit: Sorry, I was thinking about what I always tell people. The '05 doesn't say anything! Several radio items, like text messages, also do not show up while moving. I wish Toyota didn't do that... To override this you have to do the same hard-wire mod you have to do to get Bluetooth functionality during motion. As least I assume that's the same for the '06! Keep this stuff coming, we are all curious about whether workarounds that have been developed over the years will continue to function or not...
Please look at the instructions and try it again! Toyota may be "spying" on us and "fixing" some of the "features" on our cars. We need to know. Other 06 owners test it out. "First thing, kill all the lawyers!"
Yes, I tried that procedure multiple times and it does not give me the screen with override selection. I have not tried the voice recognition on navigation. But the voice dialing does work. However, the computer has problem with my zero; it always insert extra zero which can be quite frustrating.
Hopefully a new '06 override procedure will get posted by someone. How 'bout it, master techs? On voice recognition: The computer loves my voice, so I might be able to offer a few tips. Of course I'm a corn-fed Indiana boy with little accent, so that might have something to do with it. Always make sure there are no other sounds to compete with (windows up, fans down, no kids or passengers talking) Always wait for the beep, sometimes it's delayed. Speak firmly but clearly, with a reasonable cadence to your words, but clear separators between words. Make sure you are using a valid command. I'll attach a couple of different cheat sheets here, but you should probably see how close they match the '06 -- I'll bet it has new commands! The way you find out is to go to the voice recognition 'help' screen. Just press the voice recognition button on the steering wheel, then 'help' on the MFD. Hate to give you yet more homework, but we'd love to hear about the differences!
Thanks for the list. Where is this from? The guick quide that comes with the car only have less than a third of the available commands. I will try some of these commands to see if they work. But mostly they appear to be the same.
I forgot to add one thing -- after you call up the help screen, you have to scroll down to get more commands -- even if the list of commands looks complete.
That is terrible and disapointing.. I use the override function quite often. Can you use the MP3 at all while moving? I am upgrading from 04 to 06 in January for tax credit and MP3. Now I am not sure if this is worth it or not. No nav and no mp3 while moving uggggg....
Ched, If you are talking about 04/05 Nav, I only use the Nav override from the menu. I never press other buttons. If you press the wrong buttons, it can disable your nav for good. It takes a lot of work to get the Nav to work again. Click at your own risk. If you decided to click, let us know how it went.
I was going to say the same thing, but it occured to me that I tend to drive with the "voice" volume way down. Unless I need the map guidance, I keep the lady's voice muted. My wife hates getting interupted when she's yelling at me about my driving. :lol:
Just this little bit to add... A month ago, I attended a Lexus driving event. I drove the IS250, which had the new improved display, like the '06 Prius. The override function through the MFD worked exactly like my '04 Prius. From that experience, I assumed the '06 Prius would have the same override. This is really disappointing.
Gawd I love seeing my name in old stuff still in use. For those who are wondering about the source: IIRC, those commands were sent to me through Dianne from Dave Hermance (from Toyota) as Lexus NAV commands. I then went to the trouble of verifying them and comparing them to what worked in the Prius. They may or may not, however, be valid for '06.
my car just beeps before voice recognition too. can 2005 use voice to dial phones? btw, my car can't understand me more than half the time. and when the car is moving fast, it hears ALL ambient noises