Hi All, I am looking at installing a cell phone holder at the center dash base (see picture). Does anyone know what is behind this center dash base? I will need to make four screw holes and I am afraid of drilling into this area because it looks like there are two boxes located behind this area. Is there an easy way for me remove this center dash base? I would feel better drilling the holes if I can do it with out having to guess if I am damaging the two boxes behind the cover/base. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks, Tony.[attachmentid=1026]
to remove the lower panel there is a plastic button on the passenger side that has to come out. Just grab the panel on the front (firewall side)side and while holding the upper panel just pull to the passenger side and the button will pull out. Then pull back towards the consol on the top of the panel on the passenger side and it will unsnap do the same on the drivers side and the panel will come right off. With it off you can see exactly where to drill your holes. I recommend you use machine screws and washers and nuts behind the panel. Just using sheet metal screws into plastic won't last very long if your always pulling on what ever you have mounted, Cell phone mount.
Thanks Frank and Rutafox... I may try the velcro, however, both the holder and the phone (iPaq h6315) is quite heavy and I do not know if the adhesive will stick for long with the Texas heat and all... Frank...so this center base is only held together by two buttons? does it snap to something at the top also? FYI...Here is a picture of the holder and the phone...
I live in southern Calif. Desert gets well over 100 degrees during the summer and have had no problems so far. I would suggest not using the holder and applying the velcro to the back of the phone. I used the wide strip style of velcro.
Wayne, Not really, especially with the holder. By the way, the holder was a gift from my father-in-law. I want to install it semi-permanently with screws. Frank, I looked at the center base again and see that the button you mentioned is only on the passenger side, the driver side does not have a button. Also, I also noticed that there is the power outlet connected to this center base piece. Do I have to loosen this power outlet before I can pull the center base out? Rutafox, Good point...however, I had a coined holder inside the center console box over the summer stuck on with velcro and the adhesive backing of the velcro came loose after a few hundred degree days. I think its a combination of the heat and vibration that comes from driving on concrete pavements. Thanks again, Tony.
Try http://www.proclipusa.com/frameset.htm for a no screw installation. They have holders for PDAs, phones, iPods etc etc. Try it you will like it>
there is only one button on the passanger side and the top just snaps in with two clips. Once off you can disconnect the power out let. With the car OFF just pry the wire harness off the back with a screw driver, then the whole panel comes off. Take it off takes about 1/2 minute with the button actually not really a button it's a panel retainer with a serrated stud that grips in the hole. Just get one hand behind the outer panel and pry it out away form the inner and the button will come right out. It takes a bit of effort but it'll come out. Then the top just snaps in.
And once you have the proclip product merely use a new product called Poly-lock with it. The product is 5 times more powerful than velcro and holds heavy equipment with ease in all ranges of temperature. I know, I have been using it in a Saab vehicle for a couple years now with cellphones as well as amateur radio hand held radios. The combination of both the Proclip and Poly-lock products makes an absolutely wonderful solution. I plan on using both of these products in my new 2006 Prius. Here is a link for more info. You can get this product at many nationwide hardware stores. It is used in the medical field which is what is being described in the link as merely an example. It, however, provides a good amount of info about Poly-lock. http://www.consumercareinc.com/ConsumerCare-6.pdf Hope this helps
Thanks guys for the info...so it looks like I have a few options out there for my needs. Nice sites for the Proclip and Poly-lock.
Just another vote for the ProClip. I use one for a GPS unit....great design, and you don't damage the dash. You can screw, glue, velcro or whatever to the Proclip pad, and it is angled to the driver. Regards, Sleeka.
Originally I had my Pioneer XM radio there, using the sticky back to their mount. It stayed on for a short while then fell right off. I ended up taking the sticky back off, putting velcro on and then sticking it on the floor under the center dash base. The ProClip and ProLock look pretty good.
I have my MP3 players power block in there along with some extra cord for the output and 12v plug. Plenty of room for some screws and nuts.
After reading these posts I decided to order the Proclip for my Pioneer portable XM radio. I received it today and installed it- in less than 10 seconds! It's a simple, neat solution that works. I used crazy glue to glue a couple of 3/4" magnet discs to the Proclip and on the back of the radio docking station. I picked up the magnets at Office Depot. So far, so good!