has anyone taken delivery of a 06 prius in the bay area, or at least been given a date for their delivery? I've been on the list for 3 months and am curious how honest they are gonna be.... thanks :blink:
just got a phone call today Harley out at hayward has one.....i already bought one but i have friends who are looking for an 06 and he rang to tell me he had one on the lot...
Thanks for the reply..... I am ready to buy, but refuse to pay a penny over face. Do you have a phone number? Anybody else heard anything about 06s in the SF bay area? Thanks
I noticed Hirose who handles internet sales at Fremont Toyota mentioned he was sitting in one this afternoon. He describes it over at PriusOnline.
Are you really in a hurry to take delivery now? If not, I'd until until January 06 to take advantage of the estimated $3150 tax credit instead of the lame $2000 deduction now.
Two N CA dealers called me (I'm on lists) to say '06s would arrive at their dealerships next week. One member here reported seeing '06s in Sacramento, on the street.
It was me. It was one Silver Prius parked on a midtown street. My Prius Radar alarms went berserk when I saw the “Hybrid SD†badge on the front side fender. I looked back and saw that the tail lights were different and that it had a dealer advertisement placeholder in the license plate frame . . . I didn’t comprehend who the dealer was (I was driving), so it could have been driven by the owner from just about anywhere on the West Coast.
If my sensors are working correctly, the next two weeks will be crunch time for several Bay Area dealers. I've seen unclaimed '05s on the lots of a few local dealers. They have to accept the '06s when the trucks come. We'll be seeing (or not seeing) little groups of '06s as far from public view as possible while the '05s clear. One of my local dealers has a very deep back lot, with a fenced-in area and lots of trees, at the very back of the property. I know how to get to it, usually unobserved, from a side street. Heh.
If worse comes to worse, Toyota could always release the leftover ‘05s to corporate fleet buyers - which they earlier suspended. Those who want a better chance at a California “diamond lane†sticker also have a tough choice to make. '05 + sticker . . . '06 and maybe no sticker.
I just got offf the phone with Dublin Toyota a few minutes ago. I was told my 06 Barcelona Red Pkg 8 is coming in December 5th to 10th. I am not waiting for the tax credit as I will be getting money back after buying another car this year already (writing off the sales tax/ registration) and taking the $2000 dedution and buying the 06 Prius. Besides already getting a refund. olcorral
Thanks for the continued info.... can't wait for my 06 to arrive, hopefully after the first of the year!!!
Yep, and has been discussed at great length in the past, the value of a credit versus a deduction depends greatly on your tax situation. Just because someone on here claims a credit is better than a deduction, DO NOT it holds true in your own tax situation! Search the earlier threads where the limitations on credits (due to AMT, total tax being less than the credit amount, etc.) have been discussed in detail. Don't assume that anyone knows your tax situation better than you, and/or your tax advisor.