Well Priuschatters, this afternoon the Prius leaves our driveway for the last time. Its been replaced with a 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Certainly will miss the Prius from a fuel economy standpoint...thats probably about it. The Jeep is a better fit for our lifestyle at this stage though, so far we love it. Even my wife who was a staunch Prius fan till the end...still is. So thanks for the fun, I'll pop in from time to time...
Steve, enjoy your Jeep and check back in occasionally! I still miss my 4Runner and the freedom to go anywhere, anytime at just about any angle. I don't miss the gas mileage but we've strongly considered watching for a good used one to pop up and buy just for off roading and bad weather. Mark
I don't know how this got moved to the technical discussion forum...can someone move it back into the main forum? So far the gas mileage isn't terrible...considering. We're getting about 19 average, 22 on the highway. For something its size and weight, and with it not being broken in, thats not too bad. Not 45 though!
That's about the same mileage I got with my 2003, V8 4Runner. It was full time 4X4 and I had BFG AT 265's on it and installed my own Revtek 3" lift. I thought 22 mpg was pretty good all things considered with that setup. I ran the tires at 45 psi. One big thing I did was to go full synthetic on both front and rear differentials and the center differential. I gained about 1.5 mpg immediately when I switched.
The last 3 Chrystler products i owned only lasted 80,000 miles. First one i thought was just a fluke that the transmission died. 2nd one i figured that the rear main seal leak was just an annoyance. 3rd one i almost drove off a cliff at 48,000 miles when the power steering rack pooped its self. They will be back to Prius or Toyota land in the near future.
Good luck with the Jeep. I had a Jeep Compass for 2 years before my Prius and that thing was in the shop seemingly every other month. They never did fix the horrible squealing sound from the rear suspension / brakes. Boy am I glad to be rid of that Chrysler product, it will be a long time before I buy another (if ever).
I know a lot of people who have Jeeps without problems, including into the 100k mile+ category. I don't see us keeping this that long as honestly I'm not really worried about longevity. I don't expect it to be as reliable as a Toyota. Honestly, I'm kinda done with Toyotas. I've owned Toyotas for a long time, and I've watched them skimp so much on the material and interior quality departments that when you sit in a Highlander, or this Jeep...the Jeep feels $20k more expensive...when in fact its $5k CHEAPER. Even in the Lexus vehicles, I've owned a lot of them and while the material quality is not "poor" (I would classify Toyota's current material quality as "poor") its in fact quite good, its not as good as it used to be. I'm thinking when it comes time to replace the ES350 I might look at a Mercedes or BMW, maybe an Infiniti depending on what the new ES & GS look like. But so far as a "Toyota" badged vehicle...I don't know that I'll ever be back. Not saying I'm going to stay with Chrysler...just pretty sure I'm not coming back to Toyota.
Congrats on the Jeep! Do pop in from time to time. I do appreciate your knowledge in other car-related discussions such as exterior/interior cleaning & maintenance.
I've always felt the Jeep line was the only thing worthwhile from Chrysler. You could almost drive it through a brick wall and it wouldn't care. That may mostly be the Wranglers, but I just don't know how they are with newer ones now. My brother was almost on a first name basis at the local repair shop, but the Wrangler's warranty always took care of everything. Admittedly, he didn't use it for the typical DD use, though. He beat the crap out of that thing, and it's still running today. Now that he's raised it, it beats the crap out of the occupants no matter what you do. I experienced it for a month and dread anytime I have to get back into it!
I plan on keeping my 07 Prius for many more years, but traded in our 05 Avalon on a 2011 Nissan Rogue about about 6 months ago. So far the Nissan has been a great car and I am sure the all wheel drive will be worth the extra $$$ when Winter rolls around. No complaints about Toyota ( except one on the Avalon that Toyota would not own up to ), but there are a lot of good cars out there. Too many cars and not enough years left.
Click & Clack, the Tappit Brothers of NPR Car Talk, roll on the floor in laughter any time anyone mentions Jeep - because of the high cost of maintenance and repair. Yes, you will be back.
Like I said, I don't know that I will remain a Jeep/Chrysler customer, but I don't think I'll be back to Toyota for a long time. Toyota is not the only carmaker that makes good, well built, reliable cars. If anything my 15 years of continuous multiple Toyota ownership has highlighted how the brand has changed, and not for the better. I think a lot of the "legendary Toyota-ness" is overrated and is replicable with other brands. The Jeep has 500 miles on it so I can't speak to its reliability. I do have several family members who have Jeeps, one an 02 Grand Cherokee with 100k miles, one a 2009 Patriot, one has several Wranglers old and new. I have a slew of coworkers with them, and there are 6 neighbors on my street that have Grand Cherokees, two the same year as mine, and the rest older. I haven't spoken to anybody who doesn't *love* their Jeep. They aren't perfect reliabilitywise, but I don't plan on owning this more than 3-4 years probably so I'm not worried about it. This Jeep is the first example of a vehicle produced under the new Fiat ownership, so time will tell what impact that has. We'll drive it over the next 3-4 years, have some fun, take some trips...and then get something more economical and family focused. That might be a Toyota...but honestly I think the Honda Odyssey is a much better van.
Well, I have to comment on the fact the the American mid-west & central get WAY more snowfall than Toronto & Montreal area ever do, consistently, for the last 10+ years. So I can understand the move to a vehicle that won't slip & slide after *only* 10 inches of snow has fallen. Also, the fact that most well-off people "get rid" of their Grand Cherokee's or Audis before the 5 year "problems are going to start" mark. Very common mentality among the SUV crowd. Treat the car as a pure expense, never an investment, so may as well ride in style/confort/security - things the Prius isn't known for. I figure if Mother Nature ever wakes up and starts putting more snow into Canada than she does into the US, I'll switch to the Ford Escape hybrid. A good thing, Steve (Sw03es) will be making a buyer of his excellent used Prius very happy.