Does anybody have any driving experiences in the winter. I drive 30k a year mostly on the highway in the western mass mountains. I know the car's front wheel but I've read complaints about the tires. Any experiences???
Take a look at this thread There have been many posts regarding winter driving and tires. Good traction is must. The OEM tires probably won't do for you. Search "Winter Tires" for suggestions. If you drive on maintained highways with good winter tires, you should be ok, but it isn't a winter car like a Subaru.
With the proper winter tires the car will push snow with the front bumper. On the OEM's, you will probably be disappointed. However if your driving regularly involves deep snow, an AWD like a Honda CRV might make more sense.
I live in western New Hampshire and drove in my first snow this weekend with stock tires and was impressed. I did order Nokian studded tires for deeper snow. The stock tires did well in the wet slippery snow mainly because of the traction control and I drove like a girl (sorry girls). Our other two vehicles are AWD with pretty agressive tires so I was reluctant to go out in the Prius. I can't wait to try the Nokian tires. I'll have them Wednesday just in time for 50 degree weather. My only concern is the lack of ground clearance since I live on a rural gravel road.
I'm very curious about the Nokian tires. Please get back to us to know how they are. Which model did you order?
They are probably the studded Nokian Hakkapeliitta 2 tire: I would prefer this tire for my Prius, but the condo association forbids studded tires in the heated underground parking. Based on my experience driving my parents Buick LeSabre with studded Cooper Weathermaster ST/2 tires, the studded tires still have the advantage on polished glare ice, the kind you find at intersections.
I've driven an old CJ-5 Jeep, an '89 Honda Civic (before ABS) and my Prius. Prius is the best winter car I've ever driven. Handles great on ice. The Jeep would go through deeper snow, but I got stuck a LOT, because with a 4WD you think you can go anywhere, and you attempt to go where you cannot. If you must go through deep snow, a 4WD or AWD is better. But for handling on slippery roads and starting in cold temps, nothing can beat a Prius. I drove mine for one and a half winters in Fargo, ND. john1701a has even more Prius experience in Minneapolis (not quite as cold, but more snow) and gives glowing reports.
I own a 2004 & 2005. Drove the 2004 last winter here in NH, but had a Subaru AWD at that time, too. Drove the 2004 Thanksgiving day in our 5" snow. The VSC kept things under control, but not sure that I could have gone uphill in heavier snow. Am thiunking of studded tires. Had them on a Volvo & it made a big difference. But go to <> to see about various state regulations
Good point on the state regulations. I don't drive into the U.S. much, so not sure if I would worry about studded tires. I am under the impression that studded tires are ok in ND and SD, but prohibited in MN unless you're a "visitor." Ontario still bans studded tires I think, but they appear to have had a change of heart and now will allow folks who live in the NW region to run studded tires. Until the condo association where I live changes their mind, looks like I'm stuck driving on studless tires. A few of us in the building have a meeting scheduled with the condo association a week before Christmas to hear the rationale behind the ban, and to try to change their mind. Here is more information:
Went thru Birkshires (Mass) going to New Haven, CT and hit the snow on 22 NOV. Was cautious but vehicle handled well and only problem I saw was a BIG SUV CHEVY went out of control met up with guard rail SUV LOST.
That happens around here too. Some folks assume a 4x4 magically helps with handling and braking too. I had a lot of fun getting back into Winnipeg just as the first blizzard was winding down. Drove around in the snow and ice trying out my new Yokohama Ice Guard 10 tires, they worked just fine. Was really fun blowing away 4x4's at green lights, they'd be spinning and then their jaw would drop as this wussy commie pinko faggot Prius would leave them in the snow dust. :lol:
Thanks Jayman..that's what they say bout me down here in TExas. "Was really fun blowing away 4x4's at green lights, they'd be spinning and then their jaw would drop as this wussy commie pinko faggot Prius would leave them in the snow dust." )
Its not bad, its better than my Lexus which is also FWD with VSC. Its not going to blow away ANYTHING with 4WD though, unless the person really can't drive, the tires are bald, or their 4WD isn't working LOL