Now that is funny :lol: Former mtn bike fanatic here. Used to ride daily, race, etc. Now it comes in waves - ride every day for a week, then let the bike collect dust for weeks on end
during the summer, i ride about 11 miles a day. half mile to trail. 5.2 miles up to Watershed Park and back. half mile home. do that every morning. during this time of year i alternate walking the same trail. 1.4 miles up and back if no rain...(not a common day around here!!) rarely ride in winter (too cold for me) simply because trail i ride is covered in wet leaves now and i dont want to take the risk. (very low threshold for pain)
I've got a bike habit that survives the winter in modified form. Wind is what kills my riding, not cold. I'll just layer up, put on my knitted cap and my headset radio over it (sports-talk or news) and ride around my small town. But I might only do 5 miles instead of my usual 10. In summer, when it's commonly in the 100s every day, I usually don't even go out until it's under 80, which may be 9 p.m.---then ride until 11 or midnight. Hardly any traffic. Night radio reception isn't so great, though.
the trail i ride used to be the logging rail that took logs to Woodard Bay. it goes through very heavy woods and wind is rarely an issue. as far as summer goes, i rode the trail usually starting about 6 AM. now that i dont have to be a work until 10, i hit the same trail walking about 7:30
When you quote Orson Wells you should give him credit! I no longer ride my bike since getting run off the road and ending up in a ditch dazed. I walk instead and keep a eye out for any car.
Yeah, I'm into bike riding and mountain climbing, etc. My question: how well does a bike fit in the hatchback? Looked like it'd work but I didn't try to do it at the dealer. Anyone have a recommondation for bike rack? (I know it'll hurt mileage...)
Outrageous! How do you think Nike is able to afford a private corporate hangar and furnish it with two Gulfstream V jets? [Broken External Image]: Answer: Sell cheap shoes for an outrageous price. That and advertising. Much like De Beers, with a near-total monopoly in the diamond trade, has convinced the public that the only suitable gift for engagement is a diamond . . . a stone which is much less rare than emeralds, sapphire, rubies, or amethyst. "Just Do It"