Does anyone know if a set of steel wheels from a 2006 corolla will fit the 2010 Prius? I have a line on a set from cl and want to use them for my winter tires. They are 15". Anyone have experience with these wheels?
Both the bottom of the line 2006 Corolla and the 2010 Prius Two use 15" wheels with a 5-100 bolt spacing and a 5.35" offset. So aside from gas mileage, they should work.
Yes, as Jimbo said, they will work... I have a sent of winter tires/rims I use and work great. Yes, you will lose FE but I think in my case that has more to do with the studded tires I have.
As others have pointed out....they'll work. You'll have to put black tape over your TPMS can make a pressurized pvc gizzywhopper to put your TPMS sensors can go through the trouble of mounting your sensors into the winter tires. Personally, if I lived in the frozen north, I'd use black tape. Don't worry so much about the fuel economy. You're going to see 10,000 angry "Why did my MPG drop???' posts this winter just like last winter. That's life. Good Luck! Drive Carefully this winter!!