I was playing around with my Prius the other day and discovered something disturbing... Do the following: Get in the car Start it Take the keys out and put them inside get in the car drive away. I did this yesterday and drove away without the keys and the car never turned off. I actually went 15 miles away, turned around and drove 15 miles back without my keys, without incident.. So, this being said, i like to leave my dog in the car with it in READY mode and the doors locked with the AC on. What is to stop someone from driving away after breaking a window, besides my Sheppard???
So you wouldn't find it disturbing if the FOB battery died while you were on the highway and the car stopped? It's normal, has always been normal, and is the way we like it.
Exactly what I was going to say. The car has to continue to run or the consequences could be catastrophic.
I've not personally tried this, but given the reasons stated above, I can understand why it's possible. Now, my question would be: If the FOB dies (or you leave your keys at home after starting your car) and you stop somewhere and turn the car off, how do you get home? A. Taxi B. Thumb C. Sneaker Express
Is the key holder on the dash like the old "security chip key" on the chevy's, where as you insert the key and it reads a voltage or signal from the key? I would imagine that it is set up this way so you can use a non "smart" key with the car. So that being said, why wouldn't Toyota make the car unable to be driven with the key outside the car?? Other than a programming change, it could not be that hard.. I mean, the car already detects when the key is outside vs inside..
It's a safety issue. Imagine driving down the highway at rush hour when the key system fails. Do you really want your car to stop? Certainly it is technically simple to disable a car when the fob is no longer recognized, but Toyota wisely decided that doing so would court disaster. Tom
This is normal behavior for standard cars. If you have a standard keyed ignition and you leave it running, what is to keep someone from breaking a window and driving away? Nothing. It works the same with the SKS. The issue isn't pocketing the keys, the real issue is leaving your car running. Tom
Hi All, My car is a 2005, package I, no smart key. My key does not want to come out of the dash with the car running. Of course I don't pull very hard. If I turn the car off, the key comes out easily. Is my car unusual? Thanks, Dan
No, not unusual. There is a mechanical interlock that holds the key in the slot. When you power off the key is released. Tom
i hate to be the black sheep.... this exact thing pops up about once a month... can we simply close this thread? cars left on and non locked can always be driven away... you can never ever pulls the keys out of any car while it's on... any smart key system will stay on when the keys leave. any smart key system will function this way... they all basically do the same thing (! key missing)... should i even say it? : read the manual...
Lol mine doesn't have the smart key but I can pull my key out after starting and the car will keep going