That little circle panel in the front of the car just kills me...what the heck? I've read that it's for towing the Prius or something. I'm just gonna tell everyone it's where you plug it in...every hour! kinged...thanks sooo much for your info and pics man! That was really nice of you to do for all of us. I bet you're just beaming with pride...and you should be, very nice car dude! Enjoy! A very patient future 06 owner, Aaron
Yeah, among the iron goodies back where your spare is, is a screw-in "eye bolt". The hole is behind the circular cut-out. You could always mount a .22 rifle behind the hole and shoot out a tire on a car whose driver fails to give a left-hand turn signal. :angry:
Anyone notice the rear-view camera image on the screen is actually reversed, or a mirror imagae of what the camera "sees". Toyota thinks of everything. Thus what you see on the right hand side of the screen while looking forward is to your right REAR. But a normal camera image looking rearward would not naturaly give such a perspective. If this doesn't make sense consider this....If looking rearward, like the camera does, the licensec plate is to the left of the camera, but in the image it's to the right. Just as it is when you are looking forward.
Thanks again kinged! Keep us up to date with anything else you discover with your new car! Including any other pics you might want to take. Thanks for addressing all of our questions!
That seems about right. If it were different, people would get highly confused as they are used to the way the rear view mirror works.
Q: Thanks for the NAV info! Now, if I could get just one more thing... could you photograph the coverage screens and post them to the link below? Whether the coverage is the same or not, I'd love to see an '06 represented in that post. Also, there is a small question of what database they used, as you show a 5.01, and I have a 5.1. But even if they are the same, it'd be cool to have an '06 represented. A: I will post more pics relate to this later. But I believe my screen looks exactly the same. The pictures you posted, are those from 05 prius or from lexus? I will post more pictures later today.
Thanks! The pictures I posted are from my August '05 Prius. It is accepted knowledge that the NAV is the same as the Lexus, although I have seen different part numbers on their v5.1 disks. In any case, it will nice to see the '06 coverage maps, if for no other reason than to see how they look on your much nicer MFD. B)
more pics the map version is .05.1, it is identicial to prius 05, my previous post about it being .05.01 was a mistake Aux mode MP3 mode Ign-on
Just a guess, but maybe they decided to cut costs and use the same display for RHD and LHD Priuses? When I was in Japan for Tokyo Motor Show, I saw that Yazaki (a parts maker and apparently the maker of the instrument cluster for the Prius) had a Prius cluster w/the gas gauge on the right. I've included an attachment (warning to modem users, it's large and unreduced off my digital camera).
Thanks for all the pictures, and for answering all those questions, kinged! And a big huge congratulations on picking up your brand new 2006 Prius!
Guess that'll teach ya to bring home the first car of the model year to a bunch of yapping dogs like us, huh? Give that man one hundred Classic PriusChat bonus points. B)
so new grained plastic on the dash is not any bit soft at all, it is still hard plastic, just grained now? thanks!
That's a bit disappointing... I mean making it soft to the touch at least gives it the appeal a $30k+ after taxes car should have when you get a pkg #8...
WOW! I am in lust! The backup cam, the leather seats... & especially the new & improved interior textured grain! It's so beautiful. Thanks for the pics!
Oh no I want one of the cannons with spent uranium slugs used in the Warthog. Imaging how that would slice through a production Hummer!! h34r:
Yea....I think I'm with you on that one..... <_< But some cars have metal.. I think thats worse. I guess at least the plastic should be very durable and another means to keep weight light.
I do not know, my dads got a Matrix and I just hate how cheap it feels... I know its nothing we can change, but small things like that I wish they wouldnt cheap out on. I'm sure once we have out cars though, its not really going to matter. We're just going to be so happy to finally have it! :lol: