I gave it some thought and came up with this... I have the Prius fever. I am officially hooked on Prius! I see them everywhere, and they are the cutest cars ever! And I love the fact that when you see a person in public, you automatically know there a Prius person. Please share the questions non-Prius drivers have asked you through the years, and your answers. Remember the days when Prius drivers would honk at eachother, and smile? Have you ever done it? Do you still do it? Tell us everything. The reactions when they look under the hood, or just plain stupid questions. What Generations have you had, or have? Witch one is the funnest? We want to know. P.S. This goes to all the lurkers who read but don't reply. Please reply. : D *ler-ker - One who follows posts, but doesn't reply. (being semi creepy) witch were all guilty of. : D <3
I recall the days when I bought one of the first Scion xB's. I couldn't make it through the parking lot or gas station without somebody asking me what in the hell that thing was. I was even kept prisoner for over an hour at a rest stop near San Francisco from folks that wanted to sit in my car. The only two vehicles I ever had that got the "wave" from other owners were a Honda Ruckus and Mitsu EVO. With the Evolution, half of the time other Evo owners wanted to race and it was pure war with the Subaru crowd. I see more Priuses in L.A. than Ford Fusions, Chevy Malibus, Nissan Sentras and about the same as Accords, Camrys, Civics, Corollas, especially in the San Gabriel Valley (the Demographic here is 1/2 Asian).
Yes, quite a few in Boston, even in the parking garage I park in, I drive by at least 10-15 Prii every day, and just noticed another 2010 in my same color their today. I usually wave at the drivers on the expressway as I am passing them, yes, I am usually late for work and not driving slowly . BTW, I have had all 3 generations. I was almost tempted to the dark side (Chevy Volt), but I am getting old, I can't wait for them to release their 500 cars at the end of this year, recall them/subsequently crush them and declare that no one wants EV's, I just don't have that kind of patience any longer I might be tempted by the Nissan Leaf.. But it would not replace the Prius, just be added to the collection.
Well.....Just got our gen. III & so far, (900 mi., 52 mpg) absolutely LOVE/IT!...We also kept our gen. II (2005 135,000 mi), so far nothing but tires...IMHO, they are incredible pieces of machinery...:yell:
Back in 2006, I thought I was the only Prius driver in Montreal's West-Island. Then I met the only other driver, we both when WTH ! We both were driving SILVER Prii's! Now there's dozens in all colors and a few 2010's - I cross paths daily with a white 2010. Only once so far at a gas station, one week night in Dorval, two of us at the same time. He didn't see me however, and had Ontario plates, so of course I just ignored him.
That's one thing many people waiting on Volts need to realize. It will take many years before GM can ramp up volume. PR-wise, GM just needs to roll-out "a few" in 2010 and say to the Press that "we've done it!". Up in Canada, I expect it will easily be 2012-2013 before GM sells Volts here. Hell, just getting the User Manual into (by law) bilingual (English & French) will take awhile. Changing Miles to KM's, and the crash tests... I think the Nissan Leaf will be sold before a Volt in Canada, and cheaper too. Got my toes crossed hoping.
I parked next to a lady in a grey Camry same color as my Prius. I commented that we had the same color car. She smiled and said..."I love my car I don't care what they say about it". I replied I really like my car too...just not all the publicity. For a moment we connected over Toyota's if not Prii'
Hello, I am owner of Prius 07 silver with full option, Model of Canada. Any one can you help me please how do I change MPG to Litre per Kilometre ? and the temperature F to C? Thanks
I was somewhat bleeding edge on EVs. And since there are only about 250 left of our main car (the Rav4EV) we all definitely DO wave and honk... pull over and talk. Most of the time we already know each other. But I was very late to the Prius game. By the time I got mine in 2006, EVERYBODY already had one here. My arm would hurt if I waved at them all... and the'd all think I'd fallen off my rocker.
When I got my Mazda6 in 2003 I had a lot of that- as it was a new car - not many people had it- and Consumer Reports rated it top car.- and it was much more sporty than it's boring counterparts. So when I would drive by another owner- we'd always do the wave and smile. In LA can't do that with the Prius as it is the least special car in terms of ownership. I'd have to say- from everything I've seen the past year- it is the #1 owned car out here- so Prius owners are more likely to shake their head as they drive past yet another Prius.
The Canadian car displays the temperature in C. It -cannot- display in F. The Canadian car displays fuel economy in l/100 km. It does not do MPG. The only thing you can change is the speed readout from Km/hr to MPH. You have an American car. It may have been imported into Canada.
I'm a German Auto Technician test drive all German cars everyday. End up pick up a 11 Prius II last week at Chantilly Toyota. The only I can said is Loving it.... I don't care what's people said about prius
What line do you work on? I work on bmw's myself. My wife and I just got our 2011 Prius and love it. I keep getting comments from people who i work with about how they got stuck behind a Prius on the expressway and curse me for it. I have to remind them that the car can go faster and it still gets at least twice the mileage of their car while doing it. Also when my wife and i are out driving the car we count how many other prii are on the road. It makes us happy to see so many. Yeah, we're lame haha.