You need to paint it to match the car. It will give that lowered look with out lowering it. Trust me, i've done in on many cars. looks good though. c
If I'm not mistaken, I think the kit is made of carbon fiber. I'm guessing that most people who spend that much for a CF kit would probably rather want others to know it's CF.
I guess the problem with them being black is they just blend into the ground. In fact, under extreme shadows like in the OP's pics the car looks as if it doesn't have them.
I don't agree with the idea of adding lower body kits to give a lowered look. All it does is make the car seem even taller. The 'look' is achieved by reducing the distance between the top of the tire and the bottom of the fender well. Can't tell if the OP's car is lowered already, but the stance looks pretty good to me. Lowering isn't difficult, and probably cheaper than adding a body kit. And since the net reduction in ground clearance (at least around the perimeter of the car) is the same, why not lower it? It's okay, for those of us with lowered rides, we'd rather not see too many people doing it.
what? you obviously never done in. but its ok to disagree. Somebody pls photo shop these photo for her.
You're right, I've never added an aftermarket body kit to one of my cars. No need to Photoshop, here's my car. Lowered.
I love the side skirts.. Not sure about the front lip.. But it is so nice to see a prius with some body add ons.. I have put MANY lip kits on.. and MANY body kits on.. And to achieve a good look you HAVE to be lowered. Chargespeed is definitely available in Carbon Fiber... Looks like he is going for JDM syling with the colored wheels and lip that he is going with. I actually love this look.
Thanks for the comment! you r right on with the JDM look with my Prius! The lip and sides r indeed CF, I believe that is the only finish they come in. The car is also lowered on Tanabe NF210.