Toyota could soon eclipse wounded GM giant

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by malorn, Nov 23, 2005.

  1. IsrAmeriPrius

    IsrAmeriPrius Progressive Member

    May 27, 2004
    Southern California
    2005 Prius

    The ugly American rears his head.
  2. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    So when they build their cars in Korea and slap a name plate on it over here and charge us big bucks... who is it best for?

    Who gets employed to build that car?

    And just exactly "where" does any profit go?
  3. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Your right again!.... thats my whole point.. they are gutless, faithless, fat and greedy.. thats why they are in the present pile of "fix" they are sitting in.

    The unions are a good idea.. they protect workers against unscrupulous greedy employers.. but now the union has become the very thing they were guarding against.... greedy enough to starve the golden goose that lays their eggs!

    Its every man for himself ... on a coorporate level, they rape the company and the lowly employees scatter and scrape the best they can... dog eat dog baby!...

    What happened to the good old days when excellence was demanded?... Companies took care of their employees and in return out of feelings of loyalty and dedication employees took care of their employer?
    If an employee was a lazy sluggard, they fired thier brass!
    Now a-days we protect the lazy and anyone who really loves thier job and wants to perform we squelch because they are only making the lazy look bad right?

    Once the employer started screwing thier workers.. the workers then started screwing the employer!.. they just show up to get a check with no intentions of doing anything great!

    I put the blame not on the unions, nor the employee... it first started with the greed of the GM company... now the other is just the "after-effects" or "byproducts" of poor and greedy management.

    Many companies of today could learn from thier demise.
  4. habel

    habel New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    Oslo, Norway

  5. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    eh?... did you say ugly American?... I dont know what your talking about? :huh: :lol:

    As long a Bill likes me, its ok...
  6. habel

    habel New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    Oslo, Norway
    :lol: I said nothing, IsrAmeriPrius did all the talking.....
  7. 2Hybrids

    2Hybrids New Member

    Sep 17, 2005
    Eustis, Florida
    Whoa...whoa...whoa....Jag, you just showed your true colors in that post....

    have you ever been outside the U.S. borders to see from the outside looking in? It's not a pretty sight. The hard workers get crapped on as the lazy are protected just as Windstrings had mentioned. This I know and have experienced. Galaxee knows this and has experienced, etc. We won't even bring up the welfare seeking, overweight, greedy, self-centered, typical Americans.

    Good ole' American know-how is not as it used to be. We see ourselves as Number #1 because we don't look outside ourselves to know of another standard. And that is exactly what GM did and why they are now hurtin. What makes us great, or used to, is that we do everything en masse. We overwhelm in numbers, but not smarts.

    So what ethics are you speaking off that is superior to Western Europe?

    Those are chilling words...reminiscent of Hitler's ideology.
  8. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    OH Great.. now I"m ugly and overweight!!!!...... :lol: :lol: :lol: ... just kidding!
    But I do have upper back problems when I walk! :p

    But you right.... I really get tired of working hard to have a large percentage of the public be lazy. I work in a hospital, so I see the public at its worst!

    Now you went and got me going!!!!
    How you you like it when you train your kids to work hard and be a strength to themselves and everyone around them..... just to have them completely turned down for any financial assistance for college to get back some of the money you as a parent have been putting is all these years?
    Instead they are rejected because by working at all at their minimum wage job, disqualifies them because "they make too much"

    We reward people not to work!.... then when they do work we wonder why they are not productive?

    Our bleeding heart liberal cry baby system, rewards people to sit on thier "sass" all day and watch TV!.... and we've done it for so long now, that we are raising "generations" of kids trained to do just that!

    Instead of birth control for those who will not support themselves but live off of others energy, we actually reward them for having more and more babies by giving them more money for each one?
    Heck if you can have enough kids, you can do pretty well on welfare? But well at whose expense?... is the system our parents that is supposed to support us all thier lives? Did we never grow up?... its called "l a z y!"

    We are such suckers!... So now the guy who goes to the mill or wherever to put in an honest days work...... gets a "big" chunk on his paycheck snatched away.... not to pay for the elderly who have put in thier time, nor is it to pay for the disabled, but to pay for the lazy!... The lazy get the very largest percentage of welfare.. leaving very little for the ones who really need it!
    Because in our system of today in the Great ol USA.. you can be a "lazy good for nothing slug" and see a psychologist and come up with all kind of "diseases" they label you with that explain away why you won't get up and go to work in the morning..... Well this guy deals with depression... yea thats because he won't work and their are issues he won't deal with and he knows it!.. We'll this person has been so abused when they were young, they have difficulty around people... this person is a recovering drug user, this person has anger problems.. this person doesn't act appropriate around the public...etc etc.

    But what all those people have in common is they like to eat!...
    What ever happened to the saying in the Good Book.... "if a man doesn't work, neither should he eat!" Why was that written? humm..... maybe this is a recurrent problem!
    Isn't it amazing how motivated we can be to get off our duffs when we get hungry, and when our electricity gets cut off that runs our refrigerator full of beer and food, computer, satellite TV etc etc!.... Where is our sickness then?

    Hey, I wouldn't work either if I could figure out a way not too!!!!!
    But I have too much self respect not suck off of others energy!
    I would flip burgers any day to avoid welfare!!!!!
    At least I would be a man!!!!

    If you want to live on the river and live under a bush somewhere in the woods... more power to you!... but the moment you start begging and pulling off of others enegy to facilitate your lifestyle, you are a nuisance!..

    We were put here to be fruitful and multiply... not be worthless energy sucking leeches and mulitply....

    I Fear the state of the Union.... in other countries, they put you in jail to remove you from society for things we endorse in the name of medical need. And they will execute you for violating others freedoms for far less than we.

    The first that need to go to jail... .are the lawyers that defend a criminal they "know" is dodging justice!.. Defender of the law... protector of the innocent?... Bah.. they are defenders of thier selfish pride and greed at the expense of the innocent...
    Thats one profession that is so perverse that Jesus himself spoke out against it!!!
    Its no different now!

    We have let Fools get into power in this country... but we voted them in!... not because of their character.. . but thier promises... they told us what we wanted to hear, and we "wanted" to believe it!
    I like someones slogan I saw here on the forum..... "If voting really did anything, it would be made illegal!".. has a bit of truth? and thats why we don't go to a 10% tax across the board.... .it would take too much influence away from Uncle Sam as to "how" to steer the public this way or that with their tax incentives!

    Thankfully, there are other parts of the world who still hold precious the concepts of character, honesty, fatherhood, and productivity.... We have gotten to where we only do it for the money... not just because its right!

    Next time your contemplating how to stop that..... teach your kids to clean up thier rooms because its the "right thing" to do... not just to get money!!!
    Teach them to do things because "its right"... even though it may not serve thier own will at the time!....
    Contrary to popular belief, there is a higher calling than to serve our own will and appetites all the time! All that will do for your kids is either put them in jail, or spoil them into thinking the world is supposed to provide for them, and that they "deserve the best" and so get in debt so far they will never climb out!...
    Hey maybe they can live off welfare too! Or maybe you can provide for them till you die, then hopefully you have anything left for them to live off of till they die.... otherwise they may be too old by then to learn how to work?.... that would be sad....
    We have dysfunctional parents now raising dysfunctional kids?
    Whats Normal "is" dysfunction!.....
    Now that same "dysfunction" is running many of our coorporations!

    Seen anything in the news lately about corrupted character and stealing from others on a corporate level?
    GM is a byproduct of a much bigger picture... they are merely a major player in the same game.

    We are "blessed" that other influences from other countries are coming in.. maybe they will rub off on us!

    Special Note!... I am "not" speaking to any "one" person out there, so please don't take offense! I am talking to America in general! I am addressing a general state of alarm! We are a noble people, but we are off track!

    If anything I"ve said offends you..... just consider "who" your offended for and why. :rolleyes:

    End of Sermon.... :)
  9. habel

    habel New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    Oslo, Norway
    And now, a friendly reminder to get back on track:

    "Toyota could soon eclipse wounded GM giant, Japanese company poised to become No. 1"

  10. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    thanks.. I got caught up in the "why" that happened.

    We can talk about it all we want, but until we address issues to correct it... it may just be a sad fact that can never be corrected.

    And we must take heed to the warning of GM by correcting its mistakes so the rest of America's companies don't follow suit.
    If we Americans don't want our country to become taken over by other cultures to change our traditions and culture, then we need to toss our bad habits and take on others good habits....

    otherwise Who will be running this country in 30 years?

    Its very possible that many more so called American companies will go down only to be taken over by more responsible companies from overseas.

    that may the normal way of evolution... the Indians did it the same way for hundreds of years?... until us foreigners with our technology did it better and faster and took over the place?....
  11. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Don't worry about it, happens to me all the time. You have made insightful posts that are good for the critical thinking process
  12. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Windstrings, you have many good points. In so many ways our society seems to be crumbling. WHAT collectively can we do about it?
  13. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius

    How about this:

    1. Quit importing 52% of your energy needs

    2. Explore new process and production techniques to improve efficiency

    3. Try to "reinvent" the direction the society is going.

    4. ASAP and this is actually the highest priority, improve the education system. It's simply inexcusible for a country like the United States to have 15 year old students rank near the bottom of ALL countries in standardized testing.
  14. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid

    On point 1: The US just passed an energy bill, which in my opinion was mostly "Smoke and Mirrors"(figured you would appreciate that terminology again). The only way to really change our thirst for oil is major technology innovation. I am currently involved in a 12,000 sq ft building which likely will have zero energy consumption. I am amazed by the technology that is currently out there but frustrated as tow why more of it is not being implemented.

    On point 2: I think tax credits for energy efficient innovation on an individual level will spur innovation on a corporate level.

    On point 3: The only possibilty of this happening will be if people decide to turn off their televisions and pick up a book, newspaper, or decide to just have a conversation about something that matters. I am continually dumbfounded around here, the people that tune into American Idol, Surivior and Fear Factor.

    On point 4: My oldest son just started first grade in public school. I am amazed at some of the "family"situations these kids come from. No matter how much money we dump into it, I don't think the education system will ever be able to take the place of a solid family. Some of these kids are fending for themselves even in first grade. One of the few things I remember form Psychology 101 or was it Sociology 101(yes Jayman I have a degree) was Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Kids with no love that worry about eating and shelter will have a tough time becoming good students. I think the top half of American students are excelling while the bottom half is becoming hopeless, kind of sound like the society itself!
  15. Jaguar88

    Jaguar88 Member

    Apr 26, 2005
    La Crescenta, CA
    2005 Prius
    When I wrote that I was thinking mostly of France and Germany. I agree that the work ethic in Norway is high as it is in other Nortic countries as well as in England and Ireland. However in countries such as France, Germany, Italy and Spain and any other country with high levels of job protection, there is less incentive to do a good job and that brings the overall average down.

    I would also argue that if you took the number of unemployed and added all government jobs and then determined the percentage of total jobs, the country with the lowest number has the highest work ethic. This would have to be an average over several years of course. And I am not saying that people from one country are better than others, only that the political realities such as job protection, or anything that dilutes the effect of judgement based on performance tend to lower the work ethic. Even in the US the work ethic is not what it once was.

    I think it should be intuitive that you get what you reward.
  16. Jaguar88

    Jaguar88 Member

    Apr 26, 2005
    La Crescenta, CA
    2005 Prius
    Maybe you should reread my post.
  17. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Hi Malorn. .haven't heard from you in a while...
    I think its absurb to think any one of us must carry the burden and feel the full weight and responsibility to turn this gigantic freighter we call the US government.

    But if you research History.... quite dramatic things can be accomplished with the measley efforts of one humble soldier (Audie Murphy), or handmaiden, or even an insignificant "shepherd boy" (King David), operating in obedience to what he feels is the "right thing".

    Jayman has some good suggestions, but many times we are powerless to perform them on our own.

    Even the president can have the most noble intentions and goals and not accomplish a one of them and only get perverted, distracted and persuaded off course by the stronger currents of politics at play.
    We too can attempt to live our life with the noblest intentions but get drawn away with the busy cares and struggles to survive for ourselves affording little energy left over for our fellow man!

    This is just my belief.... that everyone is responsible to walk in what ever level of revelation and giftings they have been given.

    The simplest way I can put it is that we all need to do decide how we want others to be and be that ourselves!.... Its amazing how much influence each one of us has on our fellow employee, family and friends, and we are totally unaware of it!

    Corporations are nothing more than many single persons collected into one spot with a common goal to serve and get paid.
    Nations are nothing more than many numbers of single corporations and single people.

    If we all live by principles that "we know" are right, even though we see no proof of its payback presently..... The higher power has a way of making those seeds we planted come forth and bear fruit. Some times its not even in our lifetimes when we see it... but one thing is for sure.. we usually see it in our children before we die!, and some of us are so sorry for the bad seeds planted early on.

    Somewhere along the lines the management schools and seminars changed thier philosophy and started teaching that the best way to make a company prosper is to scrape it to the bone.... crack the whip over the workers and cut supplies as much as possible to make it all look good on paper.... then sell it!!!!!! for a nice profit... the person that buys it says... .humm... now what can I do to make a profit in like manner? and the poor worker gets stripped to the bone while corporate reaps large benifits.... treatment like that in turn causes the workers to gang together to survive and form unions and they do less work and demand more pay. Their heart is no longer in it... they work for 20 - 30 years... only to get fired by some new guy right before they qualify for retirement!....someone goes postal!..... I hear the stories over and over!...

    The only way we change it is to change ourselves first, which will change our families, then our workplaces and commnuities...

    I know this sounds like a fairytale pipe dream... but there is alot of power in one or two people doing the "right thing".. it gets blessed and much profit can be reaped from it.
    If it was up to us alone, it would be hopeless..... like putting your hand in the water to divert the direction of a ship. But we have to admit that anytime we choose to do the "right thing".. we are having faith in a power greater than ourselves to make it prosper.....
    So many times... I think the Good Lord purposely made it so we can start a forest fire with a single match.. but at the same time He never gives one person the ability to do it all. It is expected that the Nation will come together as one body to accomplish something great. The talents, giftings and insight of the many accomplish the mighty!

    Its not hollywoods fault, nor is it the governments..because we individually fund and support and make up all of that. It all starts at home with each of us.
    thats our only hope!.. I guess take it or leave it!

    I am by no means nor stretch of the imagination perfect in any way, but I do try live with a faith in something more powerful than myself. Lets face it.. in what hope does our country really have on our own abilities?

    I feel really sorry for the workers at GM... it really stinks because many swim against the current and I"m sure do a great job for their money and are very skilled at what they do..... I pray all those folks will get better jobs than they had before!...
    Somehow folks who abide by good principles, always get taken care of!

    Now you really got me preaching!!...Please leave 20.00 bucks in the offering plate when you leave! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Jaguar88

    Jaguar88 Member

    Apr 26, 2005
    La Crescenta, CA
    2005 Prius
    We get cars and televisions and a whole bunch of other crap some of which we don't really need. In exchange we promise to give them, in the future, little pieces of paper that we run on a printing press. And we can make as many of them as we need.

    It is my understanding the way trade is measured, everyone would run a trade defecit even if trade was balanced because the value of the goods is measured on the dock for export is its current value, but when it is imported it is measured as its current value plus tranportation costs.

    Then there is the story of, I believe its Henry George's, Three Ships Captains.


    The first captain took a load of goods to trade with other countries, when he returned he had three times the value of goods as he took out. Having ruined the balance of trade, they threw him in the brig.

    The second ships captain was "smarter" and only got the value of his goods. Still with the transportation costs, they were worth more than what he took with him. The govenment wasn't pleased.

    Finally the third ships captain holed his boat as he left the dock and it sank. He managed to export goods without bringing anything back in so they gave him a medal.

    I have heard that Apple has its ipods made in China and the manufactures make an estimated 3% gross margin and take on the manufacturing risks. If the ipods don't work the manufacturer takes the hit not Apple. The manufacturer takes some of his profits and invests in Apple. Why because apple's profits are higher than that of the manufacturer. So the dollars do come back.

    Just something to think about.
  19. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    we have a huge uphill battle in front of us and its not a pretty sight. in 2006 the US will graduate 72,000 engineers. India, 500,000. they do have 3 times the population that we do so thats an excuse right??

    well Israel will graduate more than 40,000 engineers and dont have a fraction of the population we do.

    its estimated that we will have a shortage of college professors numbering over 75,000 in the next 5 years AND currently 60% of current professors are over the age of 55.

    we are headed for a brick wall and its gonna hurt and hurt bad. throughout society, no one has held on to the top spot for any length of time. the Romans were supposedly on top for several years, but a closer look reveals the signs of decay way before the official "fall". its simply time for someone else to take the lead. we had it for what will probably be about 150 years...that is a long time, longer than most.
  20. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Yea... this reminds me of Nike