I am thinking of Mods to do to my car before I get it.... When I take it in to get these done.... I may have several things done at once... i was wondering..For those of you who have used the scanguage... 1. do you regret getting it? 2. Do you actually still use it? 3. Do you just find it fun to use, or do you actually seem to benifit from its info? 4. What is a reasonable price for it and for installation? 5. Is it easy to install, or should a pro do it? 6. And finally, have you found a hansom place to mount it without it looking like a junk afterthought mod? thanks for your input.
1 No 2 Not at the moment. I switched to Can View. 3 Benefit depends on what you do with the car. I block some of my radiator. Temperature monitoring is essential. Max economy is also easier to get knowing rpm and when engine is on or off. I like can view better but it costs more too. And scan gauge has some error code readouts, and trip features not in can view. 4 Price is on the web. Nothing to install. You just plug it in and find a place to put it. 5 See 4. Can view is worth getting someone to install it, if you are not comfortable snapping parts of the dash out. Still installs by plugging in with just one wire to tap using pliers. 6 It goes in the box below the radio so you can close the door and hide it. But I couldn't read it there easily so I stuck it on top of the dash. Looks bad as you say but functional there. If you care about looks you should find the can view well worth the extra money! Advantage of scan gauge is is costs less, just plugs in, has trip features and some error diagnostics codes but not likely enough, and it gives you more mpg storage. It can read the 12 volts voltage. It works in Prius that have nav built in. Major flaw is it does only the engine. can view does the key engine stuff like rpm, and also does HV battery voltage and current. It is interfaced to the display, for non nav cars so far. And it is on the mfd so much easier to read. Plus it has nice bar graphs.
1) no not at all 2) yes every day but I would get the CAN View if it was available for Nav equipped cars. 3) Both I would say but it have given me new insight into the workings of the car and in conjunction with the MFD has improved my milage. I would not have attempted a radiator block with out the ability to monitor the engine temp. 4) I bought it direct installation, just plug it in. Set it for hybrid mode and you are off. 5) see above the hardest part is getting the plug oriented right with out looking at it. Hint the cord goes off to the right. 6) No I just open the door of the compartment below the sound system and rest it on the door with a bit of cloth under it to keep down the rattle. I hope one day to get a Can View or similar. I almost went as far as doing Attila's monitor but the price of the PDA/mini computer was too great given the fact that I was not sure that I could make it work. I tried and failed at converting his program to OS X. I just know too little about the C+ language. I am studying but my money is on someone developing a plug and play before I get there. Oh well I am learning something new, and that is never wasted. I was thinking of running it on a small screen iBook or PowerBook. Power Max is a good reliable source for used Mac's and if I drive down to Portland I dodge the sales tax.
Why won't Can View work with NAV.. because I will have NAV... 1. you mean it won't work in a car with NAV. or 2. it won't monitor NAV, or 3. it won't display through the NAV screen? 4. and can you suggest a place to view pics of it and learn about it.. I can't seem to get a google of Can view, or canview or can-view
So I think what your telling me is if I have NAV, my only option is the scanguage and its worth having eh? I checked out scanguage on the net.. it seems pretty nice!.. almost a must for the money... esp considering it will assist in trouble codes etc... Ill wait till I get my car.. you ever know when when features or prices will change.
There are active threads here about Can-view. It should be available for cars with NAV soon. There's an option Called Dyno-Scan with some similar features to Scanguage--but it plugs into your PDA which plugs into the car. Can-View is much more hybrid specific and feature packed and fully integrates into your MFD AND can even be a way to set up an EV mode button via the touch screen. If you have a little patience you should wait for it as a much more permanant and usable option.
Does anyone want to sell their used Scangauge now that they have CanView (of course, since this is wingstrings' thread, he can have first crack at buying - I'll take the second one).
1-3 The problem with Can View and a nav equipped Prius is that the Can Vue plugs into the empty Nav port on the MFD. So there are no more inputs! Check out the Can Vue thread and maybe Norm will have one soon that can time-share that input and switch between Can Vue and Nav. 4 See the can vue thread here and the can vue web site. Lots of pictures there. http://hybridinterfaces.ca/Download.html
OK, I realize this sounds silly, but the search isn't helping a whole lot as the can-view threads (most of them anyway) seem to have been lost in the crash. Can you just shortcut me to where I can purchase the CANVIEW 2? Thank you.
I admit that maybe I don't understand completely, but I thought that CanView v2 was the same as v1 except it had seperate line-in inputs. And that it is NOT compatible with NAV. From: http://hybridinterfaces.ca/version2.html
Sweet.. looks like it goes through the MFD screen... nice!.. I see why it won't work with NAV or the Camera now...... But if they are going to come up with a version that will... I may just wait... it looks like the price is very reasonable and it sounds like I should have much use for both. Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the consideration Wilco, but go ahead.... if I decide I want one.. I'll just grab one of the new ones... but thanks anyway....