Nissan Leaf outselling all hybrids, except Toyota Prius - Hybrid Cars and Plug-in Vehicles - Hybridcarblog With its low sales numbers, I can't believe it. Can this be true? What does that say for camry / hyhi / RX400h ?? I see a boat load of these other models on the road. I can see this regarding Altima ... Escalade etc ... but not the other models.
Kind of a "messy" article. First of all admittedly, they are comparing Prius ( A Hybrid ) to Leaf (a full electric ) so this is not a apples to apples comparison. Also, they admit they are making that comparison over a time period rife with anomalies...such as the disaster in Japan. Just seems like a weird way to look at things. Or a weird headline to choose to attach to commentary about Prius and Leaf sales figures. Simply? I'm glad The Leaf is having some success, I hope it grows and continues. I'm glad The Prius is still atop the hybrid deserves to be. The only thing I might glean from a look at sales figures of Prius and Leaf vs. "Everything Else Alternative" that Toyota has done a masterful job promoting and producing The Prius, and also IMO that I think consumers or potential consumers of "alternative" automobiles want a clear difference or perceived advantage. In the case of Hybrids and Electrics that usually translates into cleaner emissions and lower fuel is important. The Leaf, is the first mass produced electric. And The Prius, I think suprisingly is still the highest MPG mass produced hybrid. I'm still suprised no competitor in the Hybrid market has seemingly even tried to match Prius MPG numbers. IMO until someone offers a product with similar utility and similar MPG ratings....Prius will remain ontop. The latest incarnation of The Honda Insight I think illustrates that...give consumers a choice between smaller...with worse gas mileage...vs. bigger with better gas mileage..and who routinely wins? So in short, it doesn't suprise me that The Leaf is outselling "Everything Else"...because "Everything Else" is disapointingly behind The Prius. Kudos to Toyota that the best of their competition seemingly is going to come from themselves and their own products.
this is 2 months old article... obviously due to the tsunami, hybrid production has gone down for last few months.
It isn't once you consider the breath of the personal vehicle market. Take Ford. They had their concept car for the Project for the Next Generation Vehicle. It got around 75mpg on the old test cycle, but wasn't salable at the price to incorporate a diesel and heavy amount of light weight materials. Ford likely could have had something that would have competed with the Prius once the concept was adjusted to be affordable. But there was already a compact hybrid sedan and two seater hatchback on the market. There wasn't any competitors in any of the other segments. So Ford choose another segment, small SUV, to enter. This way, they got a head start in a new segment, and simpler marketing. Easier to say first SUV hybrid than carve out what makes you different from the other guys. Right now, the Prius has a big lead in fuel economy, even other close siblings. I think a Focus hybrid might compete with it, but with the current and emerging market segments not hybridized yet, they don't have to do so. They might not have too. Toyota can call the Prius a sedan as much as they want, it's not how the general public sees it. At least here in NA, they want a trunk or something they can call a SUV.