I previously reported that a dealer in Davis (near Sacramento) had told me they'd honor the Costco discount --$750. That has changed. They have decided to lower the discount on '06s to $500. After determining that I'd be first in line in Jan for what I want, today I gave them a $500 fully-refundable deposit. This dealer is allocated 20-22 Priuses per month. So far only 11 people have put down deposits, so anyone wanting Jan. delivery---with a small discount---can probably get one REALLY "reserved" if they act fast. I'm paying $21725 + 580 + 1475 + 186 (mats) - 500 = $23466 plus doc fee (45), license and tax. Just over $25K out-the-door. I'll pay cash for the mats, license and doc fee. After I had previously reported no fee to "get on the list", another PCer called them and was told about the $500 deposit, which they weren't even accepting at that time (Oct.). Now they're going through "the list." BTW, I asked the guy if they routinely called others on the VARIOUS lists (combos) in an OVERALL first-come, first-served manner if a combo came in for which no one was waiting (or someone refused). He said, "Yes---people change their minds on color and equipment all the time." N CA gets packages 3, 6, 7 and 8. Anyone interested in my "internet mgr"s name and phone # can PM me.
That's still a decent deal. Here in San Jose, CA, the dealer that Costco put me with is only giving $100 off MSRP. Driving to Davis for me wouldn't be worth the hassle.
Jack - That sounds great! You'll join the ranks of two Prii then, or are you trading the '04? BTW - what percentage is tax in CA? :blink:
oooh, that gives me hope! i think i may give in and get the wrong color, just to have it earlier. maybe by may my husband will want mine, and I can get the magnetic grey then =)
The Toyota dealer in Sunnyvale is offering the following Costco sponsored discounts on the 06 Prius... $150 ... package 3 $250 ... package 6 $350 ... package 7 & 8 They are also offering a custom leather upgrade for packages 3, 6 & 7 for $1,695. When you apply for the Costco discount, use zipcode 94087 so you get refered to the correct dealer. The waiting list is now at 3-4 months.
This will be my fourth Prius overall. Had an '01, sold it to get an '02. Then sold wife's van to get '04. Then, two months ago, sold '02 to have money on hand for the '06. Will keep '04/'06 tandem indefinitely (both with extended warranties). Sales tax varies with "local option" in counties. In my county, 7-3/8%.
Darn, the only problem w/buying from Sunnyvale is that the car won't be eligible for free public parking in downtown SJ and at the meters. http://www.sanjoseca.gov/transportation/whatsnew/hybrid/
Wow! That's a lot of different Prii. We beat you in sales tax up here in MN - only 6 1/2%. It's amazing what a big number that sales tax is!
How did you all initially find out about the Costco discount? I'd love to see if the offer is availabler here in Delaware.
How did the car swapping work out for you? Do you feel it cost you much? I'm one of those that keeps cars 20 years, but I've been thinking this car is just techie enough where I may want to upgrade the hardware every once in a while...
Go to costco.com, go to nearest Costco and ask about Costco Auto Program (they have a brochure) or call 800-800-5778. Program also includes (for members) financing of 4.74% (rate when buying from dealers). Many Toyota dealers exclude the Prius from the program (their option), so the first question is, "do you give the Costco discount on Priuses?". Costco online will assign you a number and the name of a representative at a "selected" (by Costco) Toyota dealer. You're supposed to call the rep and "make an appointment" to "discuss" the matter.
Yea but the problem is the San Jose dealers whom I visited all and they paled in comparison to dealing with Sunnyvale Toyota. Not a single one would go under MSRP for 05 delivery of an 06. Sunnyvale Toyota will be $700 under MSRP for my 06 package 7 or 8. I know it is double the normal discount, this is a special they do for Google employees. A big plus is that they have been extremely pleasant to deal with. So for me, I'd rather the 700+ in my pocket... it would take me a long time to rack up $700 in meter/parking especially when parking in downtown SJ is free after 6pm and on the weekends.
In phoenix this is what you get via costco website for the prius The vehicle you have selected does not currently feature Costco pricing. no discount
Where on the website did you find that information? EDIT: NM -- found costcoauto.com The good news is that the people from whom I've ordered my '06 are the same ones that Costco has referred me to. Let's hope they're not excluding it!